After listening to Kadaj's speech Balthier turned around. "It seems someone has revenge and power on their mind." He said. "That's never a good thing, i've seen what can happen to people who devote themself to power." He then looked around at everyone. "Why is everyone here anyway?" He then asked.
Jared was looking around the ship until he saw Lynn. "Hiya. This is a nice ship." HE told her.
I'll be Cloud and Leon if that's ok.
Cookie probation?
What's the digits for Decisive Pumpkin?
Jared was getting excited again. "Well then, shall we go to Ivalice?" He asked everyone.
Hello family, this will probably be my only post. It's my birthday!!!!!! :), haven't got my presents yet though. My parents are at a car boot sale, my younger brothers with them, my older brothers and my sister are at work. I'm home alone on my birthday...:(
OOC: Be back in about 10 minutes.
Jared laughed at Darius' little comment.
"We realised that." Jareth interrupted. "Is it anything interesting?'
Varxus was confused to where he was, he then heard a battle taking place. He ran towards where he heard it and saw Xegreny and Xardius fighting Cloud and Sephiroth. What is happening? He thought.
"I'm Jared." He said to the hooded man. "Who are you?"
Revus sorted his hair out and looked at the camcorder. "Hello, I am Revus from Organization XIII Academy and I'm going to show you a trick." He then grabbed a chocolate bar and held it in clear view of the camera. "This chocolate bar is Xemnas' favourite." He pointed to Xemnas, who was unaware that he was being filmed. "Watch." Revus then showed the chocolate bar to Xemnas and Xemnas started following it like a dog would.
"What do you want Saix?" Xaldin asked.
Jared looked around at all the ships. "Are you sure we can have one?" he asked, getting excited.
"Ok I suppose it might work." He said. Revus then held up the chocolate and started shoutign. "Xemnas! We've got some more chocolate!" Xemnas heard Revus shout and ran towards them. He then stared at the chocolate and followed it whenever Revus moved it.
Jared could not believe his eyes or ears when he heard the dragon speak. He then saw a creature appear. "What is that?" He asked
Revus and Sora ran back to the Library, where they saw Serul was groaning on the floor and Kasha was talking to herself. "Where's Xemnas gone?" he asked
"Yea, i'm coming." He said as he put the book back in his bag.
I've started getting them as well...