OOC: I think there's a sign up thread somewhere... BIC: "Phew, that was close." Jared said. He started flipping his coin again.
Xemnas ignored Sora's comment. "Sora, are you certain that you can trust Revus?" He asked. Revus fiddled in his pockets.
Xaldin got tired of chasing Demyx and teleported back to his dartboard.
I've never played Re:COM, but I have to say after looking at videos and gameplay, it has more stuff, which makes me want to buy KH2FM even more :P. Sorry for going off topic a little there. Anyway, yea, I think Re:CoM is better.
Xemnas stared at all four of them. "Do you know why you are hrer?" He asked. "It's obvious isn't it?" Revus said with a cocky voice.
Xaldin cussed under his breath. He saw Luxord. "Shall we ignore him and get back to construction?" He asked impatiently.
Revus entered Xemnas' office... "Good to see you Revus. Where's Sora?"
Xaldin followed Luxord. "This is getting repetitive." He muttered to himself.
Revus gulped and looked at Sora. "Hide the camcorder." He whispered. Xemnas allowed Lexaeus and Kasha in. "I'm going to wait for Revus and Sora first." He said.
Xaldin then teleported behind Demyx and threw his lances towards him.
"Great we have to spend an hour with this boring old fart." Revus muttered. Xemnas teleported to his office and pushed the intercom. "Sora, Revus, Kasha and Lexaeus. Come to my office now!!!" Serul made his way to Science class...
I got an avatar request: Username: Mighty-Matt91 Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-9241 Size: 150x150 Text: Devils Never Cry Additional Information: Could you make the text and picture stand out from the background?
Jared started flipping his coin again. "So, what now?" He asked.
"Ah, Zexion good to see you. Here." Revus said, tossing Zexion alot of chocolate. "I'd wait until later though, when Xemnas is alot calmer."
"Damn." Xaldin said as he summoned his thrown lance. He tracked Demyx's location and teleported there.
As they were laughing the bell ran. "Looks like lunch is over." He said as he looked at his timetable. "Great, we've got Vexen next for science."
Revus looked towards the camcorder, which was still recording, and threw the chocolate bar into the girls toilets. Xemnas chased after it and girls could be heard screaming from inside. Revus was on the floor laughing.
Xaldin threw a Lance at Demyx, it slightly missed and cut his cloak.
"Open the girls toilets." Revus said.
OOC: I'm back again, I'm a little confused at the moment, can someone give me a little recap?