"Perfect. Let's get some of this to Zexion." Revus said, getting excited. Xemnas was walking towards his office...
Balthier wandered around the forest and saw Kadaj, Paine, Zidane and Squall. He strutted over to them. "So, what's with the gathering here?" He asked.
Please and thank you. Also I got a few questions: If I want to use a Barbossa code, would I have to use a code for that Illuminator Heartless to fight Barbossa? Is there a code that allows Riku to be in your party in any world? because I saw a video(i think it was Evilman's) that ahd Sora and Riku fighting Sephiroth in Hollow Bastion. What is the Lion Sora code? is there a code that allows me to play as Normal Sora in PrideLands?
Render/Stock: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-19083 Size: 440x140 Text: Devils Never Cry Sub-text (optional): Mighty-Matt91
Banned for having a random cat sig.
Can I be on the next one?
I watched it yesterday, it was brilliant. I thought Spider Pig was hilarious.
Revus then started searching for Xemnas' chocolate supply.
Hi does anyone have the following codes? Mickey Replaces Donald/Goofy Minnie Replaces Donald/Goofy Thanks in advance.
Hi family. saxoR_vs_aroS your sig is random, it made me laugh a little.
"He told Zexion to get some chocolate. I was thinking, shall we give Zexion Xemnas' secret stash of chocolate to give to him?" Revus asked.
"You want a promotion?" Xemnas asked Zexion. "If you give me more chocolate then I'll think about it." Revus heard voices from inside Xemnas' office. He walked in and saw nearly everyone. "You're not going to beleive this, Zexion has asked Xemnas for a promotion." He told them.
Thanks, it looks awesome. Repped.
They were walking through the castle and they walked past a number of rooms and they came to the library. "Let's split up and start looking for that book." jared said as he ran to a bookshelf.
Ok I think i've got a No Music code here but i'm unable to test it as i'm at a friends, can someone test it please? 958T-98EK-01726 ERJ8-3THC-853BG EGNV-0C29-FDZDE
Username: Mighty-Matt91 Text: Distant Heroes Font(Link included at the bottom of the page): What you think looks best. Subtext: N/A Render: Cloud and Leon Render Style(Not Needed): What you think looks best. Anything extra(Such as discribing what exactly you want): Could you make the render smaller please?
Jared just followed behind everyone... OOC: Writer's Block again...
I'll join. Name: Jareth Age: 16 Weapon: Throwing Knives and a Sword Personality: Energetic, hyper, jokes alot, serious when it comes to fighting Home: Water Country
Revus walked past the library and saw Xemnas eating chocolate. Ahh good Zexion's doing it now. he thoguth as he watched from the outside.
OOC: Uhh can someone find a way to bring Varxus in please?