lol two hours later. YAY! YOUR LEARNING FROM ME! :3
Hello kind sir, I've a bone to pick with you. *Pulls out a mile long scroll* *Scroll unrolls all the way* (On closer inspection there is only...
Excuse me, may I have a moment of your time? [spoiler]
Woohoo! I finally have another job. I have been hired to take out 3 grammar nazi's. Wish me luck, in hope's I have not gotten rusty.
Luxord Raised an eyebrow "It seems you have been learning my ways. Have you learned this lesson or are you just repeating a wise man's words?" Luxord puts his suitcase on the table. Luxord snaps his fingers and both suitcases disappear. "Don't worry, I haven't taken your money." "Not yet anyways." Luxord thought to himself Lee looks at the table. To his surprise, all the money was gone. In the money's place was a pile of poker chips.
[IMG] lol Ah. You do know water only makes it worse and spreads it around? lol Try milk, or eat a piece of bread to absorb the oils lol.
Sooooo many horrid thoughts without context XD How and why? lol
lol Just don't head bang too much. I am pretty sure you have SOMETHING up there you don't want to damage XD Anywho, what have you been up to since...
lol I have made you an honorary junkie XD I am so proud of myself :3
Baaaak lol
Hold on, brb agian lol
lol nah, I jacked my sister's phone. FOUND IT! it seems fate wanted me online to find my phone lol.
Right..... Imma BRB, I will be tearing my room apart if you need me XD
lol Is my phone even on? Did you go straight to voice mail or did it ring?
lol I still have no clue where the **** it is actually lol. What was it? Also, did you just send it? Because if you did, WTF?!? That would be the...
That last one was pretty damn epic XD Remember the name was another good one lol. Yaknow, with all this good music, i almost don't want to come...
[video=youtube;kaVYiNXC9bY][/video] Has a smidgen of dubstep, but ooh so right.
lol yea, I saw the vid.... That's what mad me ask WTF XD
Luxord smiled and said "Your on." Luxord looked at Lee and asked "So, are you all in? All the money on the table? Luxord stopped right before he was about to make a move, and takes a glimpse at Lee's case. "How much you got in there anyways? You better not be pulling any angles." Luxord laughed silently to himself while saying "That's my job."
Epic song :D And lol I have been waiting for a response ever since RP posts became seen as relevant posts and now add to post counts lol. XD