Well, you seem to be the expert. What would you suggest?
Luxord smiled. "You are definitely a spirited one. Whats your game?" Luxord pulls out a list and reads aloud, "Texas hold em? Omaha? 7 card stud? Draw poker? Classic casino style? The list goes on my friend" Luxord puts the list away and continues. "You may be most familiar with Texas style."
lol Trust me. She's a short one.She would need to find a ladder to come and reach it just to kick it XD
lol Nah. I can nag her myself. That, or just show up at home with one in my hands. Then just later sit down at the dinner table with it and ask...
lol I dunno. I asked for one when I was 13 and she said yes. I asked if I could get it for my birthday and she said no, but her face gave off more...
lol Yea. However I may only be able to train for one year lol. My mother won't let me have a paintball gun T.T So I may just spend my catchup year...
lol Bro, its a deal. Now the only thing standing between us and victory is about..... 4 years XD
Very well. I get two days with Rienzel. The third day we can swap him for somebody else. If Ryan preforms well day 1 we can trade him back in. if...
lol you've got 4 efin years XD If you aren't over her by then, just say goodbye to Ryan. Besides, don't you kinda already want to shoot him? XD
Hmm..... Well, to be totally honest my ideal team would be Me, tifa, Rienzel, you, and Ryguy VS the other 5 lol. However you wand PDAL. So I...
Kay, who are the three?
Huh. I "totally"didn't notice that XD Uh, sure I suppose. Ypu can have krown. And since CTC isn't going to be there you can have terra aswell I...
lol Hey, what are you doing on? XD
lol Agreed XD Still want to pull the all nighter tonight? Or do you think we should wait till the legit release?
OH MY FREAKING GOD!!! I CANT WAIT!!! Just the demo alone has me excited out of my mind!
lol She just accepted "Somebody in another time zone" as an answer lol. She is a fellow internet dweller, she is used to the passage of time being...
Oh stuff. modding my ps2, image editing, extracting saves, jailbreaking stuff, hacking, gaming, my usual stuff lol. You? (By the way, my sister...
lol Hey. Your an hour and a half early XD
lol I am afraid I do not follow it at all. Law is not something I have never really thought about looking into. Your second point is a very good...