lol Could be awesome publicity for our game XD
Also, that could work. I would be willing to do either tree system. lets leave it up to peanut gallery vote lol
The crazy train model. The Ozzy Ozbourne world of warcraft model is not available for download due to blizzard's copyright. The only way I can...
Kay, I got it now. What my thoughts were was to put everything on one tree. it would be very similar to re coded ability grid, but in an FF tree...
I got that. Skill would just be another word for command or attack in this case then?
Well, what would be the difference of a skill and an ability? And would they differ from an attack? And classes are good. Once we have things...
Hello again :D I have a question for you. You seem to be capable of editing images and such. By chance are you fluent in 3D modeling? Any...
lol At the moment it would have to work. I am not fluent enough to program randomness lol (Well, actually it is impossible to make anything random...
Sims is always a fun one. Keeps you occupied.
Can aqua make models? Or is she just designing them? Also, I suppose the accuricy would vary with armor or weapons. Meaning by default, no armor...
Oh, by the way. on the topic of the game. I may have come up with a solution to the blind status ailment. I was thinking of using a random number...
lol I'm game! XD The only updates I have are I have added some characters and added faulty textures (They aren't on correctly. They are stretched...
Well, I found the paintball thing I was telling you about.... You can see some pics here. I have the...
Eh, only a little. Jake has planned yet another project for us XD He came up with the idea to make a techno/electronica/nightcore band called NSD...
lol Nah. No beard, cheeks too rounded. Looks more like Ryan to me.
lol Yea, AC in cars is a common thing. I guess probably because they aren't always in one area. It could be exported, imported, etc. So I guess it...
Is against piracy.
Likes Star Wars
lol Yep. Sora's apprentice wanted me to stay up late with him XD Seeing as how he is 3 hours time difference, he asked me to stay up till 7:00 am...
Okay, I will send them the message. However, if you know who called the hit why are you asking me to send the message? If your offended you may...