lol I got that now. But not having played Final fantasy, you can see where I would make the connection lol. It was originally going to be in the... 1:20 And no, but it exsists somewhere in the relm of skype lol.
Yea, the purple thing with horns. Also, the bahamut was originally going to be a summon in kh1, you can see its name in the kh1 summon menu if you...
Oh yea, kh1 bahamut wont do XD Kay. I will see what I can do.
kay, what am I looking for?
I see. I dunno, maybe one of these days I ill manage to dump from my emulator. I have a way to dump from computer games, but pcsx2 has different...
Sorry, wifi crapped out.
Oh ****, he's gooood XD lol You truly are my bro XD So, just ofr reference, where are all these summons from? Which Final Fantasy?
lol Nah, you can take this one XD I am.... uhh... busy XD Busy totally not playing kh2FM XD
I have still yet to work out a way for dumping from anything other than kingdom hearts series and Final Fantasy X. So if its not in any of the...
lol Afraid I cannot. I noticed one Messiah has a black wing, Lucifer has white wings. So I am assuming its a kind of connection kinda like cloud...
Sounds good, nearly all of them. Only one we would have a problem with would be knights of the round. We can only control 1. Messiah sounds cool....
lol Sweet. OH! I lied. There is a fourth free-ish way of playing on a real system. You can hitch hike over to my town and I will gladly let you...
lol On .
lol Its easiest to just stay on emulator, unfortunately I don't know of any free way of doing it. Your options are go into unventured ps3...
Oh Sony, you pesky bashturds. Well then. You are going to have to open it up. The thing we are going to be paying toe $30 for is something called...
The method I used was meant for the ps2 slim, so we will be putting your backwards compatibility to the ultimate test. When you go to put a disc...
Is it a ps3 fat of slim? Also, you have to be okay with opening your system and voiding the warranty (also, you need to spend like, 30 bucks)
Awesome news! I managed to get my playstation to load my copy of kh2fm! I can finally play in real time! Also, when you come across the grand...
lol I waited till like 2am too XD Oh well.