Ah, Near. It has been awhile XD
Brother..... I have never felt closer XD And ah, Near. Your successor. It has indeed been awhile XD
lol Indeed I did. Tis very nice. I never would have suspected my own brother was L XD lol jk How about sig?
kk. I just need to find a good pic of the keyblade graveyard, or photoshop my own lol. Unless you have another suggestion. I am open to anything...
I myself was thinking doing a scene similar to the keyblade grave yard or something. Or do you think e should do something simpler and just do a...
lol kk. Well show it to me when you do XD And yep. Just a flat picture with option like load, new game, bla.
kk, re sized and removed watermark lol. May I see your choice? [IMG] lol kk. I might aswell start with main menu's and such while I have...
lol Kay. So nobody will be offended if I remove the "Made by" watermark on the bottom XD And don;t worry lol. The band is basically up. Jake's...
lol Yea. I managed to fix it on my end before you fixed it. Aqua didn't make this, did she? Where did you find it? And about that..... Please...
Sure, I am game lol I will be Kira XD
Ah, sorry. i didn't know that was the name of the song lol. Sure, lets see what you come up with. I have a mix of fear and anticipation for what...
lol Ah. Yea XD Although their game looks impressive, and it is impressive for a non professional, we are taking it a step and a whole nother...
You have tried it? Send me a download link. I am at the site and all I see are character downloads. also, kay, I will consider it. Why? Whats so...
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?126420-Kingdom-Hearts-Fan-Game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFO-BvfRrOU ....... Oh, its on. Its on like...
lol I suppose I could, but with what reasoning? XD
Could work. Anything is better than nothing I suppose lol. Just don't expect ligit models from Square Enix. Dumping models from games is very very...
Oh my, links and all. Much appreciated. On that copy and paste note, I must be off however. Catch you later bro :) lol Doors always open if you...
Sweet. Copy and paste it my way please :)
Found what? The wiki?