Yep. I just need to add text and a logo of some kind. Fancy spruce it up lol. I didnt really do much but use a picture lol Working on making the...
Reped lol
Why thank you :) An image for an image? May I save your pic? You may save mine if you want it :)
I am back lol. Very nice job. When I heard you took the job I wanted to see what I could do as well. Its been awhile since I have done a request....
lol Will do XD Whichever you like better. Just don't forget to center the image lol. Display proudly XD
lol Not bad, not nad. Matches mine in style, but the shape is off and its missing the classic L blue to Light's red. Overall it looks nice. Now,...
Sorry bro, I have to go. I will catch you later :D Fair well L, my brother XD
Sorry for the short conversation, I must go. Lets talk again soon lol. Months in between is too much of a gap XD Fair well, Near.
Mostly Death Note sound tracks. Youtube hopping songs of that type lol. And indeed I do, I am not a crazy hard core fan, but a whovian I am lol....
lol Agreed bro XD You are totally my long lost brother lol. Epic bro hug/thing Some kind of inbetween...
lol You have a problem with doctor who? Meh. Agree to disagree lol. Not much. i am currently working in photoshot. making menu's for a game I am...
I see. I do observe more than I cause, you are correct. Why do you cause more than you observer? For fun?
I see. That means your mortal. But you are my brother, and I am a god.... So you are Demigod?
lol Agreed XD Are you a god or a mortal?
I see... (Don't mind me lol. I just find psychology interesting. The "I see..." was not so much to you as it was to the thought process. Don't...
lol Its tough top be a god when only.... say, 7 people know it XD
lol Kira is watching me XD I just painted an image black and I ended up painting my signature rather than black XD (Long story short, I used...
Suicidal? May I ask why? Photoshop yes, its my life XD. Gimp no. I have heard of it but I have never bothered trying it. Why do you ask? :)
lol I am going to make you an awesome sig, unless you want to keep aqua's lol. I have already started it actually lol.
Busy, busy busy busy lol. But good. Never a dull moment. Yourself? :)