Hello there
hello there
Somethings really bothering me,I keep seeing things in my room i see people then when i look again there gone.It happens a lot to me sometimes i hear voices too,also this other time at night it sounded like someone was in my room,it was creepy!Well anyway does anybody knows what is means?
i would let you borrow it
That is so awesome!I wish i was in New York
what the how is that even funny? I dont even think it is a joke
no i wish i did
hey whats up Krown?
i have re:coded
i never noticed it before but i guess it its close to the Olympics.
hi there.
me too cant,wait till it come out in stores
sorry for the late responce yesterday
i think its in the south
im so stupid but i dont really know
on my Direct tv channel 2 is pbs so i guess it does depend
-Sword in the stone -wall e -monsters inc -toy story
i know what i meant channel number i keep forgetting for Direct tv cuz we have it at our house
(this group needs to be updated) Vani:hi aqua
no, i dont know what channel it will come on