You can go to the Pin List and look at the pins and learn how to achieve them.
'Sup, Heart? c:
The new designs look great! I am tempted to get the Friendship pin, because no one thinks I am a true friend. ;~;
I was grinning from ear-to-ear. If there was anything that made me happy, it was definitely icecream. I walked up to the cashier and requested my icecream. "Hi, one double-scoop Reese icecream, please." "Sure thing", was the cashier's reply, as he scooped out my icecream and then handed it to me. "Thank you!" I then turned to Cuttlefish. "Thanks Squidy, I owe you one."
Oh I should've looked harder. >_> Haha, I find it pretty funny. Dammit. B| Goodnight!~
I'm so sorry. I went back, and all that I could find was this: ---------- My parents are cheap. ---------- Meh, not really. Money, mostly. :D...
Well... I LIED! I do not see how that could possibly be a benefit. xD
Really, I did? When? If so, I lied. Abububu.~
You make me proud, son. Aha, yes! I am excited to get it back. But I find it dumb that they took it away from me, when I paid for it.
It's going good. Yourself? Nothing really, haha. I just finished my homework before school tomorrow. Hence my really late reply, sorry. Thanks,...
Indeed, it was. Our mothers must be proud. That's cool. Sounds like fun, too. What will you be doing there? I am fine. I have school tomorrow...
Ooo, it seems like we share the same dream. :lolface: Ohai, Jake.
Hahaa, if you weren't going to call it quits, I was going to. So how have ya been? /topic changed
What were your dreams? >_>
I've been fine. I'm not sure if you have heard, but it turns out my iPod's microphone short-circuited, when it went through the wash. D:
Yeah, I am. xD