Hai there. Leave me a message when you're back online again, mmkay?
That's massive... btw, I like your avatar.
{INSERT RP BANNERS HERE} Kokoa, both Mokas, Reinforce, Yoda, L, Lily, Mizore and Tsukune (probably more that I am forgetting) were all inside of the shuttle, now. Tsukune was piloting the ship, since he was the only one with experience. Reinforce had told Tsukune to land inside of Jail's ship, and which he did. After successfully landing inside, Tsukune spoke. "Alright everybody, we made it. We're inside of Jail's ship." "Ah, finally. Maybe something interesting will happen here.", Kokoa whined. She and all of the others walked out of the shuttle. "Whoa... it's huge." The others admired it as well, as she ran off, with Mr. Ko, to explore the interior. L tapped Reinforce on the shoulder. "What is it that we do, now? You told us to come here for a reason, obviously." L did not hesitate to get this show on the road.
That'll do.
Thanks a lot. c: What does Jail's ship look like? Is there a picture of it somewhere? I need it for reference.
Alright, I shall try my best to get that post up soon. Thanks.~
Of course. I need your help with getting Lily there. I am exhausted and feeling really uncreative today.
When many of the premiums switch their usernames and I don't know who they are. No, I will not check their user profile.
Welp, I'm so out of it, sorry. I'll catch up right now.
Pictures or it didn't happen.
Oh Canada...
Depends on the marker.
You seem rather bold for a 'new' member...
Mm, intriguing. 'Revealing' in a good or a bad way?
Hey 'Kaze. Did you enjoy your break?
Aha, this is undoubtedly amazing. Thanks, for the update, Misty.~
Welcome to KHV, Erin, dear. I'm sure you'll enjoy the Kingdom Hearts series; it's truly a great game. Anyways, I digress, have fun here.~
I am watching Iron Man. Lol, I haven't seen it before. >\\\> Nah, you don't have to get me anything. You trying to help me become admin was...
Just watching a movie. :D
Yes .