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  1. Krown
  2. Krown
    Lily Strosek​

    Lily took a few seconds to reply. First she pointed to the monitor once more, then spoke telepathically. "It's Thoma... I finally have realized my purpose. Can someone take me to him?" She tried wiping off her tears.
    Post by: Krown, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Krown
  4. Krown
  5. Krown
    Lily Strosek​
    Lily's face was planted upon her hands. But then this man who went by 'The Doctor' came inside. At the feel of his gentle hands on her back, Lily looked at him, with her tear-streaked face. "He... he's hurting..." That was all the girl could say.
    Post by: Krown, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Krown
    Maybe Fearless is your mom?
    Post by: Krown, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Krown
    I can't wait. :D Post is up.
    Profile Post by Krown for Pinekaboo, Apr 28, 2012
  8. Krown
    "I" Moka was the first to get up. She was still clutching her heart. You could say that she even had a frightened look on her face, instead of her usual 'deal with it' face. One by one, she helped the others get up. As of now, everybody was up.
    "What was that?" Tsukune was the first to speak.
    "Because of the heart failure, my guess would have to be, Kira; the infamous murderer." But quite obviously, L was incorrect. None of them knew about what was going on with Thoma or who he was.
    "Wait, guys. Where's Lily?" Moka looked around. "She just can't up and disappear, can she?"
    Yoda walked up to Moka, he would have placed a hand on her shoulder, but he was much too small. "Damn my shortness..." Giving Moka a reassuring look, Yoda said, "If it is Lily you seek, look inside of TV monitor room, you shall. The girl is in great pain..."
    "Great... which room is the TV monitor room?"
    Yoda pointed to the sign that read, "TV Monitor Room" and it then pointed off into the right direction.
    "Oh...." The black-haired boy rubbed the back of his head.

    Once reaching the room, they did indeed find Lily; she was crying. Tsukune entered the room first, though. "Lily!"

    Slowly, almost creepily, Lily turned around. "He's crying; he's in pain."
    Failing to notice the monitor, Moka asked, "Who Lily? Who's in pain?"
    The teary-eyed girl dramatically pointed to one of the monitors. "Him."
    Post by: Krown, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Krown
  10. Krown
    Just RPing a little bit.
    Profile Post by Krown for awesomeperson, Apr 28, 2012
  11. Krown
    Ohai thar. How's it going? c:
    Profile Post by Krown for awesomeperson, Apr 28, 2012
  12. Krown
  13. Krown
    Hey there, Wolf Girl.
    It's great to have you here. I hope you enjoy KHV.~
    Post by: Krown, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. Krown
  15. Krown
  16. Krown
  17. Krown
  18. Krown
  19. Krown
    Power: Air Manipulation
    Character Alignment: Pretentious Good
    Personality: The reluctant vampire who stands alone against the Main Villain and who is secretly funded by the government.
    Description: This placid guy has beady black eyes. His silky, wavy, black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a flower's petals. He has an athletic build. His skin is ruddy. He has a hooked nose. His wardrobe is complicated.
    Post by: Krown, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Krown
    Have a great birthday, Haseo.
    Post by: Krown, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone