He's from Brazil, cut him some slack.
Lol, it varies, from time to time. Cool. I shall post sometime today. ;o
It's Mask de Panties. Also known as: Tomoki Sakurai
I know. B| I am glad you are enjoying them.
Aww yeah.
btw, why are you and Deadpool talking about my panties. >:'c
Oh I know you'd be interested.
What if my sex was something not yet introduced to this world?
Lily Strosek "Thank you for being so considerate, Doctor." Lily briefly smiled, but was not completely done crying. "I know you're feeling hurt, Thoma. I'm coming..." Lily thought to herself. She slowly placed her delicate hand on the window. "Doctor, would it be possible for you to teleport me to the other side of this glass?"
Mmhmm. Fine. :<
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ YESSSS! MOOORRRE! It's too late for me. Save yourself! Dx
Indubitably. Gah, I can't handle it anymore. TOO CUUUUUTE!!1!!!11!!1! /dies
(─‿─) For me, yes. I'm trying to make a new Lily theme, but her pictures are too kawaii.
Ohai there. (¬‿¬) In a sense, you are correct. You'll most likely see, soon. /nosebleed
How's it going? c:
Mmkay. Hop into mah panties. Yeah, I'll be doing so, soon. I just got side-tracked again.
Then do it. c:< I now have to get Lily on the other side of the window, to Thoma.
I know that feel.
You have never paid for my dinner. So no. Yeah, I'll be fine with it. Like you said, it makes it easier for me. c: /lazy By the way, which...