hhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy wwwwwwuuuuuuutttttttssssssssssss uuuuuuuuuppppppp?
It would take a long timeto cram it all in one single film. But I don't think it would be worth it, there's all the other Disney movies we have. But KH movieswithout the Disney in it would be nice.
ff202020 be my name. I'm thinkin of vid ideas at the moment too....*thinks real hard*
yep, I don't use it much though, I have like two or three runescape vids I made a long time ago... Haven't had any other ideas for any vids for a...
kew, me....im listenin to music, on KHV, IM'ing, all that good stuff
OMG! That's freaking amazing, that makes 2 games I need for psp...KH BBS and FF Dissidia... Thanks for letting us in on this :P
hey whats up?
I use... Valor- Decisive Pumpkin Master- Hero's Crest Final- Oathkeeper And for my main weapon's I use Fenrir, Ultima, Oblivion, and Acrossing Two (in FM)
lol....so whats up?
It was a decent book. Nowhere near as good as Eragon though. But the Twilight movie did a way better job then the Eragon movie did.
Sephiroth is back from a nice thanksgiving dinner with his buddies Cloud and Zack. Now its time to kick their butts....lol
I really like Roxas' hair. The blond spiky look fits his style, and it's just cool looking.
lol sephy needs to sleep so he can go kick cloud's *** tomorrow, buh bye :P
lol, im prolly gunna go soon, i'm pretty tired
But Sephiroth is still my favorite ;D, sorry to break it to u lol.
Nope, I'm sayingthis because we need more games for portable systems anyway :).
lololol. Cloud is teh awezomezness lol
Idk....you tell me
I can't really decide on this one, but I might say Terra, since he seems like a main character kinda guy to me. Since that BBS focuses on him a lot.
I liked the KH2FM keyblades, Acrossing Two and Winner's Proof, but on the normal KH2, I liked Fenrir, the Oatherkeeper, and Oblivion