OMG! Thanks, but, when is going to be relased...excuse my stupidity... I'm just overly curious! :D
yah....ur not the only one... *nods off*
music, IM, posting on the forums, stuff like that.
yah me up?
I don't smoke, but I have relatives that do... But, they keep their teeth sparkly white, and they don't seem to have a different look on their face. Lung cancer on the other hand, direct thingy from cigarettes. Smoking is a no-no to me :D.
I can wait, I'm not looking as forward to this game as BBS. It doesn't appeal to me as much for some reason.
yeah same here... Can't think of anything to do lol.
haha, suhweet.
I'm pretty gosh darn great, and yahself?
I totally agree, it's my fave animal :D
I'd say Riku, one hand is good enough, nice and easy! Lots of funny and pointless movement and non-needed grunts of exertion! XD
Cloud, Sephiroth, Roxas, Sora, Riku, Saix, Axel, and Leon/Squall. I would love to see a free-for-all against all ofthem, weakest link loses xD.
Favorite Main Chracter: Zack from FF Crisis Core Favorite Side-charctaer: Roxas Least favorite main chracter: Big from Sonic Adventure Favorite Villain: Sephiroth from all FF7 Least favorite villain: Eggman from any Sonic game...
I always wondered what almost all ofthe Linkin Park songs were about. I'm not the hugest fan of them, but I still like them. Only the fact that they don't put much heart in their music, doesn't give me a clear meaning. Most confusing, I would say would be Numb by Linkin Park, lyrics don't make much sense to me, sounds to me like he can't sing proper English.
Looks pretty decent, but the eyes are a little big. But it looks good anyways :)
I like Sora's and Riku's limit. It's how I own man....i mean Xemnas.
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, good for people if you like simulation games or stuff like that. But if your looking for RPG, I would definintley say Elder Scrolls.
Well, I would go back about 2 years and would have avoided this one person let's just say, other than that, nothing.
The first time you fight Terra, you get the really long cutscene, after that, you can re-match him and it will give you another cutscene.
Sad to say, but Runescape and Dragonfable. In fact, I'm playing Runescape right now xD