Put Gravity and Stop back in... I really missed those two magic spells. They would be a life saver in kh2.
Ummm... Xen....and Bex....That's it! LOL
Hmmm... It sucks losing someone close to you. I'm really sorry to hear about this. The best thing I think isto talk to your mom about the good and bad times you had with your uncle. Talking about it might help those painful memories. :)
Axel would have to be my favorite. fighting him with Roxas dual-wielding was simply epic....but really short :(.
All that time and work for nothing...
Toy Story 3 is gunna be great, the last two were purdy dang sweet :D.
good thing i was vaccinated against the common cold! so HA!
Well seeing as how some other game titles offer Wi-Fi connection with other games like Pokemon Pearl and Diamond... I'm pretty sure there is a chance for it support Wi-Fi gaming :D.
Simply Epic. Can't wait for a release date... I just hope it doesn't come out same day as BBS.... I'd be torn between those two lol.
YES! It would make the game totally hilarious! I'm laughing really hard just thinking about it, but seriously, I would still play if they were gay/
alright :D lol
.....OMG FATTY! lol
I don't like his Kingdom Hearts outfit much. Since Cloud had his Advent Children outfit, then why didn't Sephiroth have his? Ah well, anyways, bottom line, I would have liked to see his Advent Children clothes in KH2.
I have my own side, and I have artificially flavored margarine! I can't believe it's not butter!
I want Birth By Sleep the most... 'Bout time we get some new Keybladers :D. Also, I want to see what thenew Shoot Lock system is all about, sounds pretty STRATEGIC, unlike button-mashing lol. I want to fight those Unbirths as well, see what they fight like, probably another group of pansies...lol.
I see, breaks are needed :P, so how was ur break? lol XD
*tries not to reach for rat poison pills* omg... NOOOOO!!!!! This just totally messed up my day lol. How could Soulja boy do this to us???
Depends....I see it as half-empty if someone drank out of it... Hlaf-full if you just filled it up. either way, it's confusing. Yes, I thought literally! LOLOLOLOLOL
Family Guy is more random in my opinion. I like it also, because it's funnier, a talking genius baby is excellent! :D
Yeah, but they don't care. It's a good thing this isn't like Myspace, my mom would kill me if it was.