Leon (Squall). His gunblade pwns them all. Enough said :D.
Remember how I said I would help you with voice acting? Well, I got some bad news and I'm going to have to drop my role, some stuff came up. Just...
Your best bet would be to replace the hard drive.
which will bring up Master Chief and blow up halo...
...which will end world hunger and dolphins will evolve into land creatures and take over the world...
You could go back and level up a few levels. I usually have up the Repliku card so I can stock curaga about 5 times which helps keep you alive. But you should kill those arms or scythes or whatever those things are first before you attack his body or something. I had to be like level 50 before I could beat him so don't feel bad.
It's supposed to storm here later today, oh joy. I think I'm gunna go make an igloo now. :D
Yah, I kinda figured so, it had 2007 on it. I wasn't totally sure, so I decided to put it there. Thanks for telling me it was last year's lol. At least now I'll know what to look for.
NOOOOOO!!!!!! Ah well, Earlier than I thought it would be :D. I was thinking late 2009 like fall or winterish.
http://www.veoh.com/videos/v16945348AJWm8N4H OMG! Jump Festa vid! I dunno though, I'm not seeing gameplay of Aqua in it. But still, hopefully this might mean something lol.
I like Hollow Bastion in KH1 better. The music sounded more... Hollow Bastioneeish. The rising falls were really sweet. I liked the puzzles you had to do there in order to progress in the castle. Sadly in KH2, you don't see much in the castle anymore :(.
*hyperventilates* I'm prolly importing this...:D
Loves me! xD
I'vew read it all theway up to Brisingr, which is the third book. I saw the movie and it SUCKED! Book was excellent though :D.
Well, I stopped by a Gamestop about an hour ago. I was talkin about KH BBS and FF Dissidia to my mom and the guy says they might not release BBS or Dissidia for PSP... He also said Final Fantasy is no longer a Sony exclusive, which I didn't give much thought to until now. I'm actually quite worried BBS might be released on a PS3, that would totally destroy my desire for a PSP. The guy said he could be wrong though, I'm not completely sure either, what are your thoughts about it?
............................................................................................................................................................................. *sneeze*
Well... Boredom can be an emotion... I think? Fun is an emotion right? So I'm gunna gues boredom is the opposite of fun....lol
Hmmm... I might be able to fill in for a part, I need some details, PM me with some :D.
106 lol's!!! lol i win! lol
The 1000 Heartless bettle was pretty flippin' sweet, even when you don't use reaction commands for it lol.