I'll most likely play Roxas and Marluxia. Those are my two favorites in the Organization :D.
I was told it was July, that's about mid-year, so yeah :D.
Well, though it's not on the list, I'd have to say those jack-in-the-box things...
Rockband, it puts better use to the drums, having more than four things to hit is ridiculous.
I'll stalk the person who makes the nexts visitor message!
hihi, the name's Axel, got it memorized???
The crowns are for looks only.
Xehanort's heartless, he had a flippin' sweet weapon :D.
I liked it since it didn't require button mashingness. Put some strategy into the combat system :D.
*scribbles very obscene phrases in the visitor message box*
I want them to explain the unexplained atthe end...
You can get on it just fine normally.
I think it was Digimon....I think my anime craze took off from there
I have have a very fat cat.
Roxas and Marluxia. Marluxa for his scythe, Roxas for his attacks! XD
Dats riiiight! xD *throws snowball at your profile* :D
Holy crap. Thanks for finding this. Can't wait until it releases, hopefully no more delays...
I passed the bored stage, now I'm completely lifeless! xD jk
Oh my lord, he's cutting you slack. I wish my daddy did that lol jk. so whats up?
Oh my good lord, don't remind me.... I wonder what hollow bastion, haloween town, and what deep jungle (tarzan's world) looks like, like when when Tarzan was a kid.