I think it would be better if it never existed :)!!
I'm not really sure, he's kinda decent, kinda dumb if ya ask me. Yeah, another Riku, just what we needed! yeah right...lol
Like what you guys are saying about the over obsesses fans...It's so ridiculous how people make a huge deal about a bok that's not even that great. I read the first book and no more. The book was terrible, Romeo and Juliet makes a more interesting love story than...*shudder* Twilight. I mean, vampire love? Cmon...Pathetic...
It's so ridiculously Chuck Norris.
My friend introduced me to the game a few years back. Two Christmas's ago I asked for it. I didn't think much of it. Shortly I became addicted to it and what do you know, I got my ps2 same time as kh2, and I had no memory card for it. So I went memory cardless for about three weeks until my uncle gave me his. After that I non-stop played it for about a week, I didn't stay up all night or anything. Took me about a week to beat it the first time through. After I got bored of that, I got Final Mix, and now I'm waiting for BBS and Days to come out.
I wouldn't care much, the series is starting to get overwhelmed. I don't want Square Enix to over-do it. I mean, after a while it would get kind of boring right? Even though there's like a crap load of Final Fantasy games, each game focuses on a different story, usually.
BBS, seeing as how it had more developing time than Days, the new characters, and since it is a prequel to Kingdom Hearts.
Known for not knowing me.
Mcdonalds. Have you ever looked at the stuff in their food? Holy crap xD.
It didn't really bother me much, but I'm sure they had reasons, be it more hours put into working on it, difficulty, etc. Though Sora did seem like a emotionless blob during that time xD.
Well ZAck I'm sure had his own reasons for leaving Shinra. With him wanting to protect Cloud and all, and look for Angeal. I think it wasn't really Cloud's fault Zack died, Zack brought it upon himself by keeping Cloud away from Shinra.
My dad was thinking about changing our truck so it runs on hydrogen and it puts out water or oxygen, I don't remeber what he said.
I think it's how many days Sora is asleep in that thing. I also think it's how many days Roxas was in Organization XIII... We never know until we find out in the game right? :D
...I tried, but no offence, I didn't really like it. A bit confusing for me :O.
You know....I think i might go look at that right now... Thanks for pointing that out.
It would be so awesome. Imagine the lag though... But still, it's be great.
I've been looking for a full Ven demo, with the fight against Lucifer that cat and all. Does such a vid even exist? I was told there was something like it on youtube andI startedlooking for it. Ifthere is such thing and you have the link, let me know :D.
Serenity ~ Godsmack
I drew one and I called it the Heart Breaker. I could put it up on graphic art sometime....but It gives like 7 strength and 5 magic or something, I don't remember....lol
Older, his clothes are way cooler. XD