Marluxia, I like his scythe....I want it...
I used a 0 card everytime he used Dark Aura. Also have high number cards too. Those'll help, and have several cure cards so you can use curaga if needed
Shadows by Red \m/
I like... Kingdom Hearts (all of them) Star Ocean First Departure Elder Scrolls Need for Speed Undercover Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 12 Call of Duty 4 Rock Band ...That's basically it :P
I be 5'5.5!! haha!but its over 5'6...damn.... :(
BBS without a doubt. I want to learn about Sora and Riku's past which I hope is covered in BBS, and how Kairi came to Destiny Islands. But, most importantly, who the hell is the Dark Warrior dude?
I don't think so because Terra runs off at a point, I think, and that's kid of what Riku did when he succumbed to darkness.
lol! lovin urs too, so whats up?
Riku's since it's mellow and depressing, not saying I'm a sad person! XD
Very nice, thanks. It's off topic right now... But, I'm debating whether I should buy the game now, or wait until it's released in the U.S.
Well, just for leveling up normally, I run around anywhere. For leveling, I equip the Sweet Memories and and Hidden Dragon and go to the World the Never Was and go to that room where you find a lot of those walkers. I also do that for final form. With wisdom form, I start off killing those Heartless in Hollow Bastion, first I start at the place where you fought the 1000 Heartless, I just keeping doing that over and over, until I run from Space Paranoids to Merlin's Place. With Master form, I use firaga in the Land of Dragons on the Assualt Riders, with high magic keyblades of course, and with a couple of jackpot abilities on.
Twilight is just a bad excuse for.....I shouldn't say it, it's pretty offensive.
Hardly looks portable, yeah I've heard about this a few times this week. Maybe it's worth buying? Or maybe it won't even exist. But it looks pretty nice, I hope they go through with it.
Knock knock
Break Me Down by Red :P
Quick run with the right timiing when he throws rocks at you or whatever he does. When he jumps up, have guardand reflect ready, first guard the first hit, and then use reflect after a second.
No, I'm too kind-haerted and laid back to fight, if anything I'll scream and yell xD.
Xemnas, even though his "Heasrt are the source of all power" speech was pretty below xD
Mostly Terra, whatever happened about that lie Ven was told? What about Terra, from what I assume, running off?
I'm thinking about pre-ordering it this weekend. Though it kind of dissappoints me that it's coming out at the end of August. I was hoping to not wait as much, it's getting pretty annoying lol. But hopefully the release date changes, hope to god not later.