sorry dont know you... but saw an... thing that said today was your b-day? is that correct?
I joined! XD YAY!
Thanks! so i can n be Kairi! YAY! Kairi- thanks! :)
How about Kairi? Oh and you forgot to put Sora in the except list. :)
HAHAH! >D Dude thats awesome! Too bad pokemon is getting lamer by the day! Is this your vid on youtube?
Well it does say that sora had a strong heart. and you need a pure heart, to obtain a keyblade. But yah possible why Sora got it was cause of Ven, but idk if it had to do with Aqua... so much. But yah! thats a good question... and the world may never know... until KH3!!!!!!!!!!!!
"KH2: When Axel fades: "I wanted to see Roxas. He...was the only one I liked... He made me I had a heart." Poor Axel T_T" -Gaming Reploid That one hit me deep toO! i love axel! (thats KH2) KH1: would be... when Sora has to say goodbye to riku and kairi at the final door, Kingdom Hearts, and they let go of each others hands and it ends! T^T makes me cry every time!
Thank you! XD
Dude thats hard! i Love cloud! but i also love Zack moore! T^T so hard!
YAY! Red dorm! XD T^T where did all the ice cream go?
Ok, how on earth did master Xenhort get inside terra when he had his armor on!? I mean at the point of impact, terra hit his armor, and that stuff goes on really fast! and what was with the secret ending!? Terra just shows up out of nowhere with Ven! someone help me!
um.... then wat positions are left? ;) Thanks for letting me know! XD
Hey! can i be Sora?
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