:) Did you have a good b-day?
Kairi- OH! *hides behind Aqua and Namine*
i sota have... not completely... maybe that would help. and i think i have all the shotlocks, and different spells, etc. Um... mirage arena... only part way on Terra, critical. and is the lv 30 in my lv or of the mirage arena? and i didn't know there was more to vanitas... or the mysterious figure. no. what mode do you have to play to achieve that? yah. i know in terras, critical, i have all the stickers. oh see i dont think i did that on my other games... or even outside the mirage zone in terra critical.
Really normal day for England! how bout Black Friday? anything on today?
you live in England! dude thats so cool! so wat do you do then?
Kairi- um... may i ask why? *starts to follow vanitas*
NOt like! LOVE! XD thats awesome! so am i... truth be told never though id met one on here! but here you are! Happy Thanksgiving!
Can i be tien? (oh sorry! OOC! XD)
Im sorry... i know loss is hard. but dont feel bad, theres nothing you could have done, right? *hugs kingdom_hearts_soras_girl*
Fear: Snakes... i just really dont like them... its so bad that i cant even look at them... Sharks... that one is due to my father making me watch Jaws at the age of 5........T^T and well i guess death its self... death is a scary thing...
Happy b-day! (sorry saw it on the info sheet) XD
Spoiler and Aqua was a keyblade master too, privilages come with being a master. Like being about to create new worlds, or taking the world of your original master, which is wat she does and it turns into CO, which at fist doesn't look like an accident, but i could see where it would be one. A giant building in the land of nothingness... yah i prob go in too! XD
thats because in those scenes there in BBs:FM and thats why there only in Japanese. and it is weird that the character has yellow eyes... i mean... how on earth do you obtain yellow!? Hey... if sora defeated Ansem... in the final battle of KH1... then did he kill terra? cause wasn't terra in that body? or was it in Xemnas' body? but then sora defeats him too.... so IS terra dead?
Ok, you know when you end a story and there are like the credits and stuff, then you make a new game and you can see the theater and crap. Well on there is the story progress... and i only have 95%... how do i get the other 5%?? please help! Stories ive done are: Aqua: Standard Ven: Standard Terra: Beginner Terra: Critical (not finished) SO... what went wrong?
Can you keep a beat by tapping your foot? thats how i did mine, it took me awhile but when i final did it... i had 400 or so meters in height of ice cream! XD thats my advice
Is anyone here? ??? hello!
Kairi- NAMINE! *hugs namine* Hey there Siax!!
Hi! i like your groups... your a christian right? or something to that nature?
I love Oran HIgh School Host Club~ but i must say it ended in a crappy way though. Good anime, crappy ending!
Who isn't taken? if everyone is taken... then ill be a shadow version of them! Oh does Lea count?