But I was such a respected member of sociaty... Going to wine tasters and discussing common preferences of topic. ::L:
Just missin the ol days when I was 17 and so were you.
People quit, people get banned, staff changes, skin changes, name changes, positions change... But nothing really changes ;D
Hiya! Howz ya?
I would frequently check to see who was closest to becoiming premium and THERE YOU WERE AT 967 POSTS! :'D
I'd so totally tap that.
Oh god... Uh. Ive had about 30. Renegade was my most known one I think.
I was watching this video when you made the thread. EDIT: Keira got breasts. <:
Fine B| Topic Change: I wanna go see District 9 sooo bad ::L:
She is a very handsome young lady.
Oh hello. I do not believe we have spoken before. :/gasp:
That's the 5th most populated state in the US... Where's your state pride?
That's nice.
Hey. Hey you. Shut up.
Maryland. ::L:
What seems to be perplexing you?
Hahahahaha. You guys are funny. Please do quote exactly where she said that. ::L:
I do not believe we have spoken directly. :/gasp:
... Turn around...
Florida. Pay up.