Bad news guys. My computer's in the shop for the next few days so Im gonna have to put these next requests on hold. 5 days max.
Well your school be crazy.
So god like. Hows life mah man?
In 2hrs? No. She said just to do 1 for the essay and 100 ?s.
Hey VGN Is Rude gonna have to slap a bitch?
For our exam, we have to make one of those AND do MC?s which is ****ing ******ed.
I luff u 2, but ur thesis statements are crap :3
Hey VGN, you should totally cosplay as me.
Well since Jube ruined the ending I hadnt planned on seeing it, buuuuut... :lolface: It sounds cool and the special effects look badass, but Im afraid its gonna be like T2.
***** i will cut yoooooooou!
lulzy I do the same for you.
DOHOH- wait wut
Oh hey. I didn't see you there.
Have you ever put your penis in a slinky?
Truth or dare?
What happened to your reign as spam zone god, OH MIGHTY ZEO? <:
You wanna play truth or dare?
I started my own last year and I'm still President if that means anything. I got like 2 people the first day, but turns out more of the cool kids like anime than the nerds, so its actually a pretty sweet club. At anime club, when you boil it down, all we wanna do is sit around for an hour watchingsomething and cracking jokes about it. So thats what we do with anime or shit like Star Wars, etc.
*****! I will cut joo!