Tried facebook for a week and got sick of it. I'm a myspace kinda guy. Though imo I'm not into social networking sites like that::L:
Ladies love the beard. :B
Very random color scheme going there. I prefer the 2nd version, but its all very random. Readsa some tuts and practice a bit more.
Super secksey. ::L:
Cosplay or, god forbid, is that how you dress?
I won best sig too? ::L: I'm gonna keep it just for you guys!
It's d. So zetta slow.
omg i liek teh jaket in ur album :B
I remember you disappeared around the time I became #1 posthoar ::L:
I'm Renegade and probably gonna get my name changed back soon.
Wonderful shading and clothing is cash. I'd like to see more from you. THis is pretty excellent. ::L:
Come with me we'll go and see a place called Candy Island!
Hahahahaha. Youre funny.
I used to live in Cali too. ::L: I love it there. Anywho, do you have like 2 middle names or what? xD Have fun here, read the rules, etc.
ohaaaaaai It's mah wittle baby fruit. :3
ohai roseyeyeyeyey
wuzzup cracka?
Creative name, given most of the generic ones are taken. Well have loads of fun here. Do be sure to stay. ::L:
Yes .
n m u?