I can't listen to my favorite radio station because they keep playing that song. :v
Is my drug.
<<'.... How are you? c:
So i herd u turned 15. :v
I'm a MOD at this site and no one wants to listen to me because I'm the second youngest member. :c
Cool. 8D So am I. I rarely do it here, but I go to other sites for it. Ever heard of Roleplay Gateway?
Big fan of RP-ing? :v
Be jealous.
First time using my Wii to reach internet. :v
I'd be pretty interested in a Fantasy or Sci-Fi Roleplay. :v
:v What it do, Magick?
I like how Midnight was the only one that typed what I asked. xD Accepted.
Did you ever get your computer fixed?
Your favorite. :v
My current RP would probably be filled if people knew more about Fairy Tail. B|
c: Sing me a song?
:'D Really? And I missed you. :c We haven't spoken in awhile.
.... Nevermind. Apparently it isn't going off. xD
Financial reasons? xD
You seemed to make threads and then disappear. I think you made one about a huge ass print on a pillow. >o>