Oh no! D: Why on earth did I log back on here?
.... Oh no.
What is this I don't even
I used to love going on this site when I first joined. I liked laughing at silly threads, having long conversations on vms, and I made a few good friends on here. Now I'm barely on and I''ll occasionally make a random thread here and there, but I've decided to leave. I'm not too good with these kind of threads, so I guess I'll end it here. c: Goodbye~
D: You poor thing. And oh gawd all those pumpkins.
Oh, m'kay. :v
o.o I can't figure out what manga your sig is from.
Hey. c: How's life?
Oh my. o.o D; I'm beating it, slowly but surely.
I have a solid B in all my class, still a freshmen, I'm painfully shy, and I barely have a love life. :v Life does suck sometimes. :/
D: Why? :c
No, before then. :v Ah well. How are you today?
I...don't remember it. B| I just know it was you that had the awesome avatar.
I REMEMBER YOU. You had this avatar I adored so much.
B| Thanks for making me hungry. And nothing. c: Just reading Fairy Tail.
Me neither. x.x I mean, what on earth is the point of the chat?
c: What's good?
:v Hey there.