Impressions? And why did you choose your name to be Shizzy?
You've mentioned this on MSN, but I still think it sucks. B| And I was just starting to talk with you... Oh well, hope you enjoy yourself during your move. And having no internet/computer can be benefiting! c: Bye~
No. Just no.
OH....Um, wow. XD
No, the c8 part. XD
Oh look! Someone remembered me. Thanks, Xaale. 8D
Whut..? o.o
Aw. BC Well, my mom does plan on gettigng me a tablet soon.
Nope. Wrong.
You did it wrong. ;D
;A; Oh my.
But...I never installed a muffin button!
Where'd ya get that muffin?
Oh my goodness, I'm even more happy. Thank you, Kitten! :'D
Boring and lame. c; Yours?
Thanks. 8D I'll take a look at those videos later.
I forgot about this.
Derp. Derp.
XD That we be so kind of you, but I'm not gonna waste your time. I act least want to learn a few things on my own before I ask for help.