....... o.o
.....What? XD
I'm not the only fan of these here, right? D:
Aha. Everybody hates Chris~
..... Hello to you, too? XD
:| Kolina?
I can't use that. I'd think about the Fairy Odd Parents too much. XD Hmm.... I kinda like that. o: I like that, too. No. Just no.
It's for a story I'm writing. c: Ideas?
Wait, so...he supposedly killed him and then...what?
With my auntie and Grandpa. We were comforting my Grandpa since my Grandma recently died and he started to tell us a story about something they did together. He was around the middle of it, sounding somewhat sad, and my aunt's phone ring tone comes on. What was it? Antoine Dodson. :/ I'm mad for some reason.
Ah, alright. ^^
Excellent! c:
Since you put it that waaaay.... Reserve it for me. 8D I'm going/getting ready for a funeral this weekend, so I might not be able to post until...
Well, I...um. ;-;
I swear I thought you made a goodbye thread...or maybe a vacation one.
@ April: Yes, but I wouldn't do it. XD Too much of a chicken.
Oh FFFFFFFFFF- I thought you left KHV. XD
He wouldn't?
Spoiler Would it be weird if I asked a guy I liked to solve this?
Pft, I'm such a creeper. D; Stalking your RP threads. That Oracle spot looks really interesting...but I've never played a villain before.