F*ck you...
My accent....my accent....why....
Happy New year!!!! I am totally sober and everything haha
When I have time, may I quote this and put it in my sig?
Hey guys Hey guys Hey guys Hey guys Guess what Guess what Guess what Guess what Guess what I survived all of 2012 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D Oh, btw, I'm drunk :P
One of the most talented singers on here <3 JAYN YOU ARE FREAKING AMAZING!!!!
We should get Plums in here to explain his frustration. It was a freaking forum event when we found out Plums was a dude
lol a KH thread in the Spam Zone...
Sorry this has taken me such a long time to get to :/ First place, with a total of 4 votes, goes to entry number 6! Congratulations Janson! Equal second place, with 2 votes each, goes to entries 3 and 5! Congratulations calxiyn and Amethyst! Third place, with 1 vote, goes to entry number 1! Congratulations darkhorseD! Well done to everyone who participated! Ladder will be updated shortly! Stay tuned for next round!
Is it just me, or did that kinda just come out of nowhere?
:( I'm sorry you feel like that. I completely understand where you're coming from though. You have to understand that there are a lot of people here who really appreciate you being a friend to them, and that your effort doesn't go unnoticed. What you're doing is focusing on the negative,the people who don't appreciate it, as you feel it will be a way to improve yourself so that you get recognition from them. The problem with that is, it has become too difficult for you. I actually went through the exact same thing not too long ago: expecting too much of myself, and trying to please everyone. Of course it drains you out, because you're wasting effort on people who may or may not appreciate it. I will say this though Llave: You are one of the coolest prems here. Anyone you talk to will feel honoured. Hell, I still remember the first time you struck a conversation with me and I was like WOAH ITS LLAVE!!! But that's another story. It would probably be good for you to either focus on the positives and the people who you help and appreciate what you do (*raises hand*) An alternative is to take a break from KHV altogether, and come back when you feel like you can help others again. And if you ever need to talk, I don't venture far from here :) Hope all gets better, my lovely <3
Singlet. Nuff said
Come to think of it, I haven't seen Loriah around in a while...
My...erm...'question'...has been submitted
You're still calling me silly. Its still offensive.
Happy Anniversary KHV!!! I have been here for nearly 5 of those 7 years :)
View attachment 33594 Made it on the top 100 leaderboard in Tetris Because you know, I totally have a life and everything You're all jealous, I can tell :P
Wow, what the actual fuck
*raises hand* That is the main reason why I hate Valentines day, btw
That is exactly what you do. Upload them and PM me :)