OH HEY WHAT'S THIS? GUIDELINES?! OMG!!!! Theme for KHV Idol #6: Video GameRules: Can be any song from any video game!Deadline: Thursday February 7th (Tuesday 5th if I'm mixing)That means you have just over a week to get your entries in!gogogo!!
Why do I get the feeling this video will be on Tosh.O very soon?
Guys, the Amaury won't work unless Chev uses his PaWs to mix it.
I dont like dogs because they're so jumpy and they're always in your face. Granted though, that they're also very good at cheering someone up. And I've got a lifelong dream of being a Crazy Kat Lady! Why would you scare me like that! :(
I think Minato would look really cool!
Added :) What I'm thinking is that people can organise their own duets, songs, lines, and I'll mix if they need me to The alternative is a signup thread, where I pair up people who have signed up, and then they pick a song. Then they send me their song, and I'll mix if need be. Idk, I think the first one would work better but I'm still working it out lol
Hey all! I need your opinion on something: Would a Duet theme be too difficult? It would work the same in terms of mixing, and then both singers get the same points, but would it be too difficult to organise among yourselves? I'll put it in as a maybe until I hear some opinions...
But yes, Oda is quite interesting conversation wise, always up for a nice chat :)
Hey hey!!! Welcome to Round 5 of KHV Idol! This week's theme was Disney Villains, where entrants could choose any song provided it was sung by a disney villain! All entrants must vote Entrants cannot vote for themselves Poll closes in 1 week HERE ARE YOUR ENTRIES!!!1234 Happy Voting! :)
Sorry dude, real life and the whole having 2 jobs thing has really wiped me out :/ Gimme 5 minutes! EDIT: And its done! I don't forget these things, I make threads when I have the time to make them. I'm a busy woman! :p http://www.kh-vids.net/threads/khv-idol-5-voting.136770/
*Prime Minister thanks very much And I would make everything purple. EVERYTHING! Purple and sparkly, just like an amethyst :P and Amaury would be my personal assistant, and he would stalk everyone! I would unban everyone and wreak havok on the place. Every like and link would send you to a flashing purple webpage telling you how awesome I am. Safe to say if I were president of khv...we would all be fuuuuucked
And as a result it will be very hard for me to stay active ere. Its a damn shame because I love all of you so very much, but I am afraid this will be goodbye for a while. I will check in every now and then, but at the moment everything is too chaotic for me to juggle. I dont wanna let u guys go though :( Idol will still run though, I'll do my best to keep it up But other than that, I am afraid my activity will be significantly lower :( I love you guys, so I hope that soon I'll be able to cope with IRL and this... Hopefully see u soon :)
Voting thread is gonna be a while because I've been busy with work and such. It should be up by tomorrow though, sorry about the wait :/
We have 4 entries! Entries for my mixing are now closed. If you want to enter this round, you must mix your own Get them in! Get them in! Get them in! Get them in! Get them in!!!!!!
Okay guys, we have 3 entries for this round-there's still time to join in if you would like! :)
Haha I was trying to go softer seeing as my mic has been playing up lol. I'll try something out of my comfort zone next time, but nothing ridiculous haha :) Thankyou for the advice, lovely :)
https://www.box.com/s/fw7s9kkxl375dd618flm V2 of Titanium. I found a really nice guitar cover. So yeah, there it is^ Enjoy! :)
Wait for what? The deadline for this theme is thursday if you wanna enter :)