although that makes no sense and if you heard both songs you can't even tell the similarities. frankly, Linkin Park is lucky that U2 hasn't sued them because of the obvious similarities between Shadow of the Day and With or Without You
shaddup kid of course I am
gamestop people don't know anything and, like nashida said, they only like either an FPS of Grand Theft Auto. If you asked in Japan (of course we know their release date) the employees would be bouncing off the walls because America, with all their "I'm tough cause I like SHOOTING" emotion, has shifted over to shooters.
hmm true but even when people smoke just one cigarette around others, the others have some damage (especially in a bar) but if someone has just one drink that doesn't mean they're gonna DUI and kill people
funny, usually that works. whatever, defrost it if you want.
you know how vh1 has a 5-part special about the top 100 songs of each decade? post (A) What you think will be #1 and (B) what you wish was #1 ------------- A. Coldplay-Clocks B. Coldplay-Fix You
At this time I'll post again, freezing the post until it is found after 2 years by a group complaining about how they miss the "old khv"
Did you get here the same way that I did? You know, painfully stretched through the fabric of time like some Willy Wonka Meat-Flavored Taffy(R)?
yes but since it's not the 60s anymore, pepsi
times like this I wonder where the heck they're coming from
smoking hurts not only you, but others
gather round, kids... free live album Love it
This is my new obsessive song <3 Plz post whenever they release a new album.
welcome to the site hate you l8r (not really XD)
If you put together all the raptor jesus pics ever in a collage in order of time posted, you'll have just enough time to see it looks like Chuck Norris before you recieve a roundhouse kick to the face.
*points at sig*
true, however, Microsoft Sam is the reason some Mac users dual-boot windows
I have the DVD, but I'm uber-hyped about this. I'm getting this regardless whether it has the XIII demo. besides, the coverart is EPIC!
sure most of the posts are random and pointless, but if you post something that's not pointless in the spamzone, shouldn't it count for something? maybe a smaller fraction, 1/5 post?