1 alien and 3 cats do light bulbs glow?
hiya, you ok?
okey doke
xD good luck then lol
lol :glomp: <---theres a glomp for luck xD
lol i would hide if i were you :L
lol, im back :D
nope i got to clean the guinea-pig out now :( brb
yh, im supposed to be cleaning xD lol
same, im supposed to be cleaning lol
cool :lolface:
not much, kinda bored ,wbu?
yay! :lolface:
:crybaby: pleaseeeeeee dont
your my only friend online :cryinganime:
lol kk :lolface:
lol, is amy coming online 2day?
*a record falls out and rolls down the hill so i chase after it*
*laughs at dad*
cool, you should listen to it, go on youtube and type: wierd al constipation song