actually no...however everyone kept asking me my name just to hear me say ''The Name's Axel Got It Memorized?''.They said i sounded exactly like...
Your completely welcome.
lol well said lol.
ohh no i don't mind.Go ahead.
i actually went as Axel lol(of course).I go almost everytime(not as the same person of course).Yeh i guess that's why i forgave him i just felt...
Like i said it doesn't matter.Plus i somehow beleive that his cousin did all of that talking.
mhmm so i clearly see you've forgiven Dman...not that that's a problem.
wow that kind of sucks.
lol(do'n read any of this my message is just too short)
Not at all...however i did have a feeling he was going to lock up this thread.
lol so how can you not see him?Look out your window lol.
lol i assume you had a good time?
yeah same here.
LMAO that sounds pretty weird!
why yes i do why?
ohh your a super moderator lol.Please forgive me!
ahh plzz explain your confusing.Nothing much i not to long ago came back....i went to the comic con that they have i think every 2 years.Anyways i...
sorry about the spelling!!!
lol over confedent don't you think?
ok.......confused about what?