yeah probally way too complicated....but like you said they will take time.
mhmm cool.Luxord would be hard to make/get....along with a few others that you have listed.Well atleast you have good expectations for your game.
lol yeah.Have any other plans for other characters(You obviously don't have to tell me)?
hay i know you don't excactly know me.....but may i addd you as a friend.
Ok thank you aswell!!!!
Wow excellent update. *EDITED* OMFG Axel v.s Sora=Axel (YEAH!!!!!!) Axel got murdred by ansem it took 5 seconds lol. Nice Axel v.s Vexen=Axel Axel v.s Lexaeus=Axel Axel v.s Riku=Axel Axel v.s Vanitas=Vanitas LMAO Master Xehanort v.s Axel=Xehanort(It took one hit hit lol)
ohh ok.Oh and thnx for the help!!
So i've been hearing and watching videos about there being some data system(or something like that).I heard and saw this allows you to fight bosses and whatnot.Well my question is where can i find this data system(again or whtever it's called).Just to make things clear i have Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix.
Hay cool game.However if you want/need help let me know maybe i can help with the animations and whatnot.Also i won't/wouldn't ask for any credit for it!!!! Axel v.s Vexen=Vexen Larxene v.s Axel=Larxene Marluxia v.s Axel=Marluxia ARGHHHH Axel win!!!!!!
OMG thnx so much your right!!!!!
owww this sucks i beat him like 7 or 6 i'm not lying.Oh and thnx!!!
i hope you guys can help me.....anyways i was planning on completing jiminny's journal in Kingdom hearts 2.Now in order to do that i have to go back to twilight town and complete all of the struggles.Well i go to the sandlot and i can only fight Hayner.Every time its always Hayner.The guy also says that i don't have enough experience to fight Seifer.I don't get it plzz help me. I'm at Twilight town as sora lvl 70.I already beat everyone else.....yes that includes sephiroth.Last thing that i have to do is beat Xemnes(which i already have done.
it's alright be happy.......besides i'm happy for you!!!!!
True True.
cool...did you already take the test and whatnot?It's alright besides we all have to sleep eventually.
AHHHHH i don't want you on my side and STOP STALKING ME.Just because you got all of your topics locked doesn't mean you have to do the same with mine!!!!!
nothing much thnx for asking and you?....sorry for the late reply!!!
ok,well i'll do the same.
I was hiding from you at chili's Why don't i have my supper yet?
lol cool.So as you know i was mad at what DMan said.So after countless hours he asked me for forgiveness and i said i'll ask my friend(You) what...