Well if your looking for people to join your web-site why not invite me?(LOL)Anyways can i join i swear i won't cause any trouble lol.
mhmm....watching Fruits Basket and playing Kingdom Hearts 2.What about you?(if you don't mind me asking)
I honestly don't know lol.
wow you haven't been how here long.....for some wierd reason i got the impression that you would have been on here longer.
LOL what exams.I mean ath or all of them?
i'm good thnx for asking!!So how long have you been on this site?(i would check your profile but it's easier to ask you)
ok good so how is school?
Hi katie i know you don't know me but....i was checking your profile and it got my attenton.LOL stewie!!! Anyways how are you?
Hey,hope i'm not bothering you(if i am just let me know).Anyways how are you?
Hay sorry if i'm bothering you(if i am let me know).Anyways how are you?
HAY you do not rot when you go to HELL!!!!
I mean De-Rep me?Because of my opion? That's the most stupidest reason ever.
Hey why did you do that?
@Al90 There is no way you feel.They are all different.If you die by getting shot is different than if you die by food poisioning!!!
First i'm not suicidle(sorry about the spelling i forgot how to spell that word).I atually don't care if i die right now or 10 years later.It's not just right now i've felt like this forever.It's not even that i haven't had a good.My life is super easy!!!!Well i have amazingly and surprisingly a lot of luck!!! The only thing i would miss is well lol.......Kingdom Hearts(Honestly).Some people ask why don't you care or how can you live your life like that?Well my life is probally easier than others.I'm not worried as much i can just live life.EX.Some people will not go out at night because of all sorts of things.However i don't care say for example they tell you ohhh there's a killer on the loose in...uhhh....Central Park(LMAO).I'll still go to the park...not because i'm dumb but because i'm not affraid of what's going to happen. *On another note please don't De-Rep me for this!!!!*
Can i have Xemnas and Vexen?if i can only have one i would like Xemnas!!!!
OMG is that Vega from street Fighter?If it is i love vega(well i don't love seeing as how i'm a guy and i'm not gay).Ok then i really like him!!!
ohh ok....thnx for anserwing.
ohh and good work on officalising your characters.Plus it will keep everyone's attention.