ohhh never mind i just realized your just a teenage delinquent!!!!!!
What are you?
OMFG i was joking geese....why do i have to define everthing i say why not someone else?
No you don't rot if you go to heaven.......you get to eat cream cheese!!(LMAO)
Nice i can't wait!!!
I thought they were suposse to give us a demo of god of war 3?
LMAO your 30 and you can't beat riku lol.My cousin can beat that riku and she is only 7.Really how come you can't beat him?or did you beat him yet?
Ok your body does but if your spirit is in hell it doesn't rot(sorry that's what i meant).
ohh why is that(if you don't mind saying)?Look i'm going offline now but still anserw the question if you want. Anyways Take Care and do try to...
it's alright.If you want to explain do...if you don't....well don't lol.
ok...the reason why i said that was because i don't know you.Now this may not make sense....but i mean say for EX.My friend hates his dad and he...
Wow that sounds...umm...cool?(i honestly don't know what to say to that)
lol that doesn't matter.But then what do you do or better yet what do you have planned for your week off?(again if you don't mind me asking lol)
True True.LOL i actually didn't care...just wanted to see if you would.
On another note does it bother you?(i mean when you said reading Xatier's profile)
lol.Yeah same here i go to bed at like 4:00 a.m even tho i have to get up at like seven(in order to play kingdom hearts before school lol).
Do you ever go to sleep?(lol)
oh ok my bad lol.mhmm..thnx for the add i was actually going to ask you if it was ok to add you...well never mind lol.
well how else would i have found out lol.
lol wow that's a big difference.It's 10:36 p.m here.Chiling?What do you mean like sitting and starring at the walls?lol