Yum,where can i get some?lol vanitas!!!
ok bye take care!!!!!
wow guess you should have looked for that before uhh?XD(i need to give lol a break....it deserves it)
ohh no that's not what i meant.Even tho it might happen lol.
i don't think we needed your permission lol.
wow i hope your mom wakes up and finds you.LOL and then takes your laptop again.It would be even funnier if you went and stole it back lol.
OMG i completly messed up.....i meant are you logging off now?LOL
anyways i'm to be going loging off now.....ok?
umm ok i met like 4 new people on this web-site today lol.Ohh and thnx for asking!!!!
wow lol.i don't remember if i asked but anyways how was your day?
wow atleast i'm allowed to stay up as long as i want and even if they took away my laptop(which they wouldn't).I wouldn't go sneak it lol.
I meant could you have mom i really would like to use the computer plzz.Plus daddy doesn't even have the internet up yet so i won't get to use it...
ohh ok....yeah even i was wondering if you were going to come on or not.However couldn't you have explained that to your mom?
lol why would you do that?
lol i wonder why?...that why you don't stay up that late lol........ohh wait i shouldn't be talking
yeah i'm excellent and you?
i'm good thnx for asking!!!! how's school?
I'm preety sure there isn't a way....but is there a way to play as other bosses.Like vexen and whatnot even the heartless?
yeah i kind of realized that!!!!!
lol, no i'm just joking.