Saix: If you hurt me ill tell xemnas!
Saix: eep! Sorry!
Saix: shut up axel
Luxord: I do now! Saix: nope.
Luxord: i dont even know what were talking about
Luxord: is wat true?
Luxord: 10!
Heya. how r u?
Saix: put your weapons away!
Saix: Axel!
Saix: i swear its like im made of glass Luxord: like a bottle!
Saix: Excuse me? Luxord: Ello Saix!
Luxord: leave him alone! hes just a baby! speaking of babys where is zexion?
Lux: we aren't the boring ones!
Luxord: Is Vexen still a virgin?
Luxord: anyone want any rum?
Luxord: I'm getting lucky tonight!
Luxord: Whos jealous? Not me! Cuz I'm the richest!
Luxord: wanna skip dinner?
Luxord: now i have, 1billion, 5hundred, 26. I'm rich! You're not!