Luxord::nonono: that was just mean.
Cloud: can someone just explain to me whats going on?
Luxord: I dont think that made sense Demyx
Cloud: For someone.
Cloud:*pulling out sword* I'm searching
Cloud: Damn! Why are you here?
*Cloud arrives on motorcycle* Cloud: What the---
Thank you!
Hi. Can i be Cloud please? Also Zexion.
Luxord: I got married once. It only lasted 7 minutes though.
Saix: I hope this doesn't last to long.
Luxord: Vegas Baby!
Luxord: youre ruining the game!
Luxord: thats not how you play it!
Luxord: no it was necessary
Luxord: good luck!
Luxord: dont judge
Luxord: what?
Luxord: im going to my room
Luxord: Hes so sexy