Luxord: :blink:
Cloud: please just leave me alone?
Cloud: Sora! Shut up! All of You! Shut up!
Cloud: what!?
Luxord: ???!
Luxord: I've been here the whole time and i have no idea whats going on
Luxord: Who?
Cloud: ...what?
Luxord: and anyone you'll ever know
Cloud: I am not pathetic! if anyone is pathetic its you!
Luxord: you arent very bright
Luxord: Burn
Cloud: I miss Tifa...
Cloud: video games are lame. except ff7.
Cloud: who are you?
Luxord: Ha!
Cloud: Damn! What are they exactly?
Cloud: maybe...
Luxord: well i dont think thats fair
Luxord: What is your problem?!