Zexion: I don't want to be caught in the middle of this. :why?: Luxord: Quit whining, lets play cards. Zexion: Fine, but no munny involved. Luxord: Fine.
Zexion: hes creeping me out.
Zexion: who is this guy?!
Zexion: I've been gone for way to long. Luxord: You have no idea.
Zexion: ........... Luxord: How old is Xion?
Zexion: fine I guess. I didn't learn anything new though. Luxord: one question. How did you get into collage if you haven't even finished grade school? Zexion: I'm gonna kill you!!!!!
Luxord: College? What were you doing there? Zexion: Drugs mostly. I mean--- nevermind.
Zexion: You! Get away from me! Luxord: Wher've you been? Zexion: Ask Vexen. Luxord: Vex?
Zexion: Whats up?
Hello? No one ever checks this anymore. :unsure:
Luxord: Whats a fish pony?
Luxord: wats going on?
Saix: No! Luxord: Everyone sing Jingle bells as loud as you can! Saix:NO!!!!!!!!!!! Luxord: just kidding...
Saix: Well don't think that. Luxord: Whatever.
Saix: Shut The F**k Up! Luxord: You're getting really defensive Saix. Saix::ranting:
Cloud: *does facepalm for Leon*
Saix: Why does everyone assume that me and Xemnas are together!? Luxord: Simple, He's in charge, you are second in charge. Get it? Saix: No!
Saix: What!? Luxord: Ha ha
Cloud: . . . Zexion: So this is the kid our organization is so afraid of?
Saix: We don't need a dog. Luxord: You are a dog. Saix: Grrrrrrrrr Luxord: Down boy.