al- eddy? whered eddy come from alex-its my nickname for ed, eddy
-hugs him- aw thanks eddy ^^
you forgive me right? hawkeye- wow
roy- you missed something incredible alex- sorry ed -kisses his cheek-
hawkeye- sir, what are you doing roy- pulls her down- be quiet
rocklee- im curious as to what she did
bye bye ^^
sakura- i want to know what she did naruto- yeah me too, believe it!
(yes) you seem to be the inquisitive type sasuke im suprised you didnt ask what i did
one im female and two i did something alchemists are strictly forbidden to do -eyes darken-
im not weak and im not spineless, i been through much more trauma than you sasuke!
i cant either, whats that got to do w/ anything
(yes) id like an answer sasuke
who did you call weak me, my friend ,or roy
who do you mean? um sasuke, right?
would you like our help ^^
alex- -hits roy w/ automail arm- is that nessicary..... oh im Alex... this is my friend
roy- -out of nowhere- TINY MINI-SKIRTS!!!!!!
they make and manage runescape
sorry theres something wrong w/ my account and jagex is fixing it