alex- right does hitting them on the head do anything, it does where im from
alex- i didnt you do understand about the whole bringing mother back what i lost right
alex- naruto-sama, what did i do to deserve this sakura- i dont really like where this is going
al- any sugestions alex- -back to emo corner-
tsunade- thats enough all of you... is that anyway to treat a guest espicially if its a young girl -angry aura- alex- -coughs up blood- im okay...
alex- prove it al- oh... how do you cheer her up
winry- -hits everyone w/ a wrech- stop that alex didnt even attack you hinata- she does have a point guy- a real man never attacks a lady...
alex- youre just saying that to make me feel better you dont mean it al- claire is she always like this
-edward and alphonse block the attack- ed- hey you would do the same of you could al- who wouldnt, can you imagine what that would be like (no...
-looks up- really? al- youre really pretty claire
-naruto hits belt buckle- what i got back........... wasnt even human anymore.... isnt that punishment enough ive lost everything... my family......
alex- claires is prettier than mine and so is lusts, mine just plain lusts is wavy and shiny and....(trails of)
do you really wish to know sakura, naruto, sasuke (go to your album and click upload pictures)
-uses alchemy (just like ed no need for circles) to block them- sakura- what did you get back, surely your mother came back i mean you gave so...
neji- sasuke dont be rude (nice... please get sasuke to ask -chibi eyes-)
alex- -emo in corner- im not pretty al- brother alex is sad now, but lusts hair is nice
-takes off caot and jacket- this is what happens to those who cross the line -flexes auto mail arm- i lost my right arm and left leg my sister had...
kakashi- thats enough sasuke, shes been through enough alex-i just want to show you what could happen if you were to make my mistake (im 16...
alex- yeah definately, i wish i was as pretty as that female humonculus al- dont say that ed thinks you pretty, right ed
im sorry if i broke any rules -bows- this was uears ago though.... and i still havent regained what i lost.... some things i never will.... kind...