al- which rides
alex- -in happy land- al- brother, tell me
alex- -dreamy sigh- i was wonderful al- brother, why is your face red?
-after date- alex- we're back ^^ al- did you have fun brother?
alex- lets go then -shyly grabs eds hand- al- have fun ^^
alex- -big innocent eyes- really? al- -hugs claire- aww
alex- how pretty im i in this
alex- okay ^^.... um.... ed
alex- aw thanks al- yeah it is, what do you think brother?
alex- what do you think?
-a few minutes later- alex- im back! -wals out in pretty dress- al- alex!?
alex- that souds like fun (sorry got to go to bed now, bye)
alex- you pick
bye bye dman
alex- yes that would be nice
alex- -grabs ed- where are you giong ed (okay^^)
alex- sorry sakura im female and w/ edward (no prob)
alex- sakura... youre gay?
ed- it really does (yes i joined your group)
al- thats genius brother ask her out!! envy- that little shorty is gonna pay