me too, dont know why though
cool so how've ya been
hi yes im okay why?
alex- ed al are you coming too
hes the bad guy that looks like a plam tree
Nikki who?
al- bye colonel (bye bye^^)
i like envy and edward
alex- -snuggles w/ ed- al- youre making it obvious
really ^^... who is/are your favorite character(s)
roy- we have located a huge amount of red water on the south border, get rid of it....... Alex why are you dressed like that alex- -dreamy sigh-
chatting and watching FMA
so whats up
roy- i have a new assign- woah.... did i miss something -thinks: thats a massive teddybear- alex- -playing w/ eds braid-
hi im nikki-sama nice to meet you ^^
al- that hug and kiss came out of nowhere alex- -cuddling ed-
alex- i know right -hugs ed + kisses his cheek- al- wow...... wow
alex- and ed got me this -holds up giant teddybear al- alex... that bear is bigger than you are
al- you went on the tunnel of love didnt you -strict al timeth- alex- -twirling around w/ a flower-
al- what else did you do alex- -day dreaming-