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  1. Pistol Schoolboy


    I think I announced this in a previous topic, but The Disappearnce of Kiiro, which is the third installment in the series of Skyler and Kiiro. I worked a bit too hard on the teaser trailer, and my bum is numb, but whatever. I finally got the damned thing out.

    Well, I hope you enjoy the teaser, and you will expect this movie in September or October 2008. :3

    Teaser Trailer
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 6, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Pistol Schoolboy

    Totally agree with you. Those huge convos are massively agitating, and whoever keeps adding us should realize we don't want to be in the convo when we close it in the first place.


    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Pistol Schoolboy

    Why are people talking about me? xD

    I just have to say that maybe it should be something like "Analrapist". It's actually an Arrested Development reference. YouTube it. :'D

    But anyways, Brandon, you don't know that much about me honestly. Maybe Britt or Sarah might have told you a couple things, but that's it compared to tohers things I do and say.

    Ashley, you should know why I italicized do. >:3

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Pistol Schoolboy

    There might not be much Skyler and Kiiro fans on here, but I thought I would let you know for the small majority of people who are fans.
    For those people who don't know what Skyler and Kiiro are, then please go to my YouTube account and watch the videos. There are two that are released at the moment.

    Well, here's my announcement for both old and new fans on the series, I am currently under production of a Skyler and Kiiro movie. I have a tie of decisions between whether I should call the movie The Disappearance of Kiiro or Skyler and Kiiro: Unfortunately, Kiiro Has Gone Missing.

    But back to the subject, the story is pretty much self explainatory through the titles. The story is about how Skyler gets into a fatal fight with Kiiro. And since Kiiro can't kill himself, he thought he'd just run away from Skyler. Now, with Kiiro gone, Skyler feels joyous. But not for long, as missing Kiiro starts to absorb most of the day. The only problem with trying to search for Kiiro is, maybe Kiiro went back to his homeworld.

    And there was one thing Skyler remembered he still had, a fragment of Kiiro's marker eyes. And as a result, Skyler might just be able to go back to the homeworld. Unfortunately, there is another tribulation. When Skyler finds Kiiro, Skyler discovers Kiiro has amnesia due to the impact of the concussion he recieved when accdiently aiming into a tree when transporting. Now what will Skyler do? He can't go back, and Kiiro is even more of a ******.

    So, yeah, expect that sometime this September.

    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 6, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Pistol Schoolboy
    Lawl, someone understand sarcasm, finally. xD

    Um, let's say you are in the middle of a gunfight, but you have no gun. How's that?
    Oh, and you are in a warehouse, just to help image the weaponry around.

    Haha, I doubt anyone would. xD

    Sometimes, we need to let these things out.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Pistol Schoolboy

    This was a joke, you guys. D: Sorry for freaking you out.

    God, you guys. You should know better that I wouldn't do what I said I would. And go forbid you should be ashamed of yourselves for believing it.

    I'm speaking the truth. :/
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 6, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Pistol Schoolboy

    Sure. Work is work, and I'm paid to to do my job in a precise way, but I got so pissed at how straightened up even my friends were. It seems unrational of me to do so, but I did. Discussing with my boss, everything got settled out, and the manager tweaked the rules a bit to where it may have looked strict, but had loopholes around it where you could at least slouch the weight of strict policies off your back.

    Personally, I find a job to at least be enjoyable at the least, and with so many rules and so much of a silent working life, then I might as well just have quit. But, I needed the money and that was the only store that would except me for my age difference.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 6, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. Pistol Schoolboy
    Actually, it was loud, but not too loud. And plus, I've been in my manager's office and you can't hear anything. And other only that, but a majority of the yelling is from the customers. We just socialize and get along, nothing wrong with that.
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 6, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. Pistol Schoolboy

    Okay, so, I head over to work today. I expect today to be fantastic and filled with the chocolately goodness of life. Unfortunately, instanteously when I step in the door, I find something amiss amongst my co-workers. Everyone is behaving just a bit too much. Now, being the pessimistic boy I am, I find myself worried at the topic. But, whatever. I'm like a surfboard trying to go with the wave.

    Little did I know that I was going to get so agitated by the silence of disobidience, that I would bail tragically. I realize that we are all supposed to follow our rules, but the fact that it became so strict today, it seemed a bit abnormal. In the middle of my six hour shift, my fourty year old co-worker tells me that the manager recently put up a strict policy for the employees due to our rebellious, yet steady work.

    Ha, we were always noisy, so our d**kfa -- I mean, manager, told us. Well, unfortunately, our manager is a total twat. And didn't happen to notice that a store will always, and forever, be busy. So, I filed a complaint to the manager when I got lunch break. Now, I wasn't the only one. So, I guess you could say I wasn't much lonely on the subject. Three of my co-workers, who so happened to be in the same age group as I, filed complaints as well on how they should behave in front of people who are misbehaving themselves, and usually to the employees. And we can't do jackcrap about it.

    Which, throws the slap at our manager saying "rules are meant to be broken". Now, let me finish this sentence more rationally. Rules are meant to be broken, no matter how much you care for the image of your store. Hell, we were even noisy and loud, yet we still and the image stayed intact, and wonderfully beautiful. Nothing seemed to be abnormal to us. But it seems to be relatively strange to our sixty something year old manager.

    Manager then called me for a talking after my lunch break. Saying I was rather impulsive, and reckless. When, actually, I pointed out both in my complain and in the "lecture", that I was being rational by pointing out that strict laws are ******ed and shouldn't be needed. Especially when the "image" of your "precious" store, is still perfectly fine. God, it seems as if ineptitude is rather blunt today across the older application of society. But oh well.

    What is your take on the situation? And rules themselves?

    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 6, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Discussion
  10. Pistol Schoolboy

    Trogdor, you frickin' inspire me. In which, creates this thread.

    Alright, so a lot of people talk about how people may or may not admit to their social lifes being either abysmal, or plain outragous. And why they admit it only over the Internet, and many other secrets across the virtual audience. And the answers should be ... only minimally obvious. Here, I will be explaining my opinion on it, while also asking you at KHV, what you think about it.

    The Differential

    People across the Internet love to talk about themselves across the Internet. In fact, they tell hidden, dirty little secrets that they wouldn't dare to in real life. Reason why? Well, that's simple, after being one to have to vent this out multiple times, and help people vent it out. The reason why could be differential, as I've said previously in Trogdor's topic.

    It depends on the background of this character. And you can all agree that sometimes, when this person admits to you that they are indeed admitting something to you that they haven't in real life, you want to drill into their minds and realize as to why. Some obvious explanations could be that they have had been bullied or otherwise traumitized in their real life. Occasionally, PTSD or child abuse. Or possibly, family abandonment.

    Or, as abundant as it is, it could be because they trust you enough to actually let it escape their lips. And possibly, because they couldn't trust anybody in real life enough. And then you ask yourself, why that? Well, the minimal amount of real life trust, could be due to their trust being broken badly. Or heartbrokeness. Either way, it is pretty dramatic, and I can assure you, it will leave you depressed.

    And you see, I bet these people who want to let it out get even more mad when this forum or website restricts you from going beyond the bar. Which, brings up my next subject.

    The Restriction

    You see, it's obvious that some websites want to maintain an image and prevent it from going crazy. And, as always, that gets loop-hole'd. But anyways, this kind of pisses me off that some websites don't acknowledged that people want to vent, and when they do, they get their post deleted or otherwise blocked. And in a case of a previous website, the admins tell you to keep it to yourself. And maybe these admins might be ****s enough to say that nobody cares.

    Apparently, these admins don't have friends. But anyways, it kind of makes me mad where sometimes they say they hate being strict, but the website itself is terribly strict. For their own self being. Go figure for selfishness. Besides that, this whole restriction thing is bullcrap, and personally, I think it should be rid of. Bet you are asking yourself "but the website will go crazy". Well, tweak the system a bit and keep a good eye out, y'know.


    So, there you had it, my ever so odd rant on only two of the Internet's cons.

    Now, it's your turn to tell me, what's your opinion on the virtual audience's obligation to keep things under strict rules and restrictions?

    And also, your opinion on members of these said forums, who are restricted to talk like they should, and are censored and have their posts deleted for doing so.
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 5, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. Pistol Schoolboy

    I live in the United States. Nevada, answering your second question.

    Honestly, I don't believe in anything. I'm confused at the moment, which leaves me as "agnostic", at the moment.

    Nowhere. I hate politics.

    I am currently fourteen years old.

    Yes, I am in school. Freshman at Shadow Ridge High School.

    Well, I'm not in college yet, but I hope to take a career in photography.

    I joined this site because of old memories. Plus, when I did join before, I joined because I saw the people on the forums and thought they were kickass.

    Currently, my best academic subject would have to be English.

    I do think I'm a good person, however, I don't think too proudly of myself at the same time.

    When it comes to the right topic and situation, I consdier myself "brave" or "courageous". But there isn't any difference.

    When I have to.


    I'm sorry, I don't quite understand the question. If you are asking if all actions, instead of the word "repurcussions", well then, I think they are directed by multiple reasons.

    I personally think that punishment is a bright idea, however, nothing too serious.

    I find shooting a friend, or possibly backstabbing them, would be one.

    Haha, that's a hard one.

    I describe morality as doing the right thing, no matter what. I describe it as being rational enough to do what you want, however, think it through before doing it, and then doing it correctly.

    Look above.


    Because we have these small, bothersome dots on the Earth called "******s".

    Of course they are. Sure, they may be nice, but people always have a bad side, truthfully.

    Probably Adolf Hitler. Pointlessly killing Jews without a reasonable jurisdiction as to why, that's just both distrubing and agitatingly ******ed.

    We think because sometimes, we have the rationality to think before syaing something or pulling off an objective that might physically, mentally, psychologically, etc. traumatize us.

    We exist to reproduce and have the times of our lives before we are "reincarnated and given another chance.

    I find it both interesting. I mean, sure interacting is always fun, but analyzing them and learning more about them really starts to hook you on the rail and shake you like a fish in anticipation for what's going to happen next.

    Pretty much both.

    No, not really. Because there are billions of other definitions of what people consider as "life".

    Don't understand the question.

    None, actually made me have to lie. I speak from the bottom of my heart, whether or not it be silly, smart, or just plain irrelevant.

    People always spread different information as in real life. Reason why, is that maybe people think that life over the Internet is more trustworthy, and that people might be the same as you. And will understand.

    It depends on the society, and the format of your "idea". But anyways, it could be differential.

    Indeed, they are. The Internet has these really freakin' gay rules to some websites, where we must withhold some of our thoughts, actions, stories, and et cetera, to the virtual public.

    They are more honest on the Internet, or maybe not. Personalities differentiate through personal experiences through real life. So, honesty could be abundant, or minimal, depending on the person and their background.

    Both no, and yes. Reason why is that people can relate and make friends, but no, because they might go too far to a point where it could get hazardous.
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 5, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. Pistol Schoolboy


    I don't think I've told any of you this, but here it goes.

    You see, Jerome's alias is Pistol Schoolboy, while mine is Alluring Revolver. Or Revllura for short.

    If you snake the first word from my alias and the first word from Jerome's alias, you get our personality aliases.

    Jerome = Alluring Schoolboy, and I = Pistol Revolver. A joke name adapted from my personality alias, Pissed Off Revolver.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Pistol Schoolboy

    As I said before, it is such a wondeful drawing. I like the color you chose for the sketch.

    And nonetheless, it looks pretty awesome. Thumbs up from Revllura !

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 5, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Pistol Schoolboy
    Use an exisiting profile.
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Pistol Schoolboy


    In celebration of your new prem position, Jerome, I now give you a nickname.

    Sure, this should've been in the original topic, but I thought you were special enough to get another topic. And plus, it's not all about your premium status.

    I give you the nickname:
    Pistol Schoolboy
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 5, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Pistol Schoolboy

    The first sig, I really like the detail you put into the background. The mirror effect in the strand in the back was pretty damn sexy. And, of course, the graphic used is a overused, but great nonetheless. Awesome, as always.

    Now, I loved the second one with a passion. I was surprised by how fascinated I was with what you did. The added color around the picture really added a similar tone to the picture and made it look incredibly gorgeous. Thank you, by the way. You did an amazing job with the wallpaper I gave you. <3

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 5, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Pistol Schoolboy

    Should I?

    I need a personal opinion from you, guys and girls, of KHV whether or not I should do something.

    Well, I'm planning on holding a AMV contest on the KHV User Portal and YouTube. Basically, a Kingdom Hearts AMV contest, since I haven't seen on in, forever.
    I'm still planning things, and am talking over some AMV ideas and concepts with Trigger. So, you could say this will be done. A post-production AMV contest.

    I wanted to hear an opinion from you guys. And please, be honest.
    I would be so grateful. Thank you all so much. <3

    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 4, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Pistol Schoolboy

    Here's what I think:

    Microsoft won't get s**t in return from Japanese when FFXIII comes out. Because, didn't the PS3 sel out in Japan? And maybe Japan is populated more by Sony fans at heart, in which creates the fact they might buy the game on the PS3 instead.

    As for in America, I find it stupid, and smart for Square Enix to let FFXIII on the Xbox 360. It's smart because other people will be getting their hands on it, but I find it stupid because the PS3 already has terrible sales, and making it go to the 360? Wow, thanks for putting Sony down.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  19. Pistol Schoolboy


    Here's the link.
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Pistol Schoolboy


    But where is thou MSN?

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone