VGN, I feel your pain. I just had one those strange moments as well. Today, I found myself winding up into just working on Autumn all day. But, of course, I had to get out of the house. So, I did. But here's the one thign that was bugging me. I get bored and I peer out to the cars and see the cars and how nice they may, or may not, be. Recently, there has been one car specifically, a BMW E65. I've been seeing it a lot recently. And as I have noticed that the street the car turns on, that car doesn't live anywhere near by. And the road it usually is on is on mine. Conspicuously, it drives just a bit slower when it approaches me or my friend Devon. We thought we had a stalker. Indeed, we did. And the person admitted it when we exited the stop mart. Oddly enough, it was three girls. Ages ranged from 15 to 19. Older than me, but Devon was 15. So we met a couple new friends, but I am still freaked out about how quickly things shaped out to be. Personally, I find nearly everything in real life to be weird, strange, perverse, or straight out hysterical. If not that, than exciting. So, um, yeah. What do you think of this odd situation?
Simple game. Just list what you have around you on your desk at this moment. C: Pomgranate Rockstar, Triple Size Regular Rockstar, Starburst wrappers and two packages more, PSP, Full Moon and Twilight, digital camera, 5 gum, and five DVD's. Not to mention, about three cords that seem to be everywhere, my microphone, optional mouse, cell phone, and a copy of the album Buiiki Kaesu. Oh, I'm sorry, let's not forget I have a picture of Ashley hanging up right by my laptop. <3
I wish Steve would come back to the series. D: When I was a kid, he was made of win. Then they, like, brought in his brother and crap ... >.> But anyways, if I was Kira, I'd write Mailbox in there. Totally.
Yay for cheesy puns ! Yeah ... that's all I really have to say. But I do have to say I hope you enjoy this first installment in the comic series, exclusively posted weekly to only KH-Vids.Net. <3 CnC would be nice, thank you very much, honestly. To answer your upcoming question, this is Maximillion and Adrian. Might I add that this is also a comic inspired by my bestest buddy, Miele. We are both major Starbucks fans, and I couldn't resist but make a reference.
Took me about half an hour, and I'm pretty proud of the final result. Recently got my hair a random streak on my bangs, for people who think the blonde streak was random. And yes, that is Kiiro on the side. :3
I don't think I've ever smiled this much ever since I last talked to you. Even if our last call was dramatic, I still managed a smile because I at least got to talk to you. Thank you so much, Ashley. You sure know how to bring back some memories. I love you. And nothing will ever change that, Ashley. (Hugs you.) Again, thank you so much. And I hope that one day, we will be able to meet.
Damn, this stock got really popular after giving it to Chaser. But, thankfully, no one has really screwed it up. I like the background and the flow of how the colors matched the original picture, but what's bugged me in that big hole on the girl's sleeve. And the text somehow feels like it shouldn't be there. But oh well, nonetheless, I have no problems with it, and you did a wonderful job. <3
Pretty much just took the words out of my mouth. ;3 If not this distance wasn't keeping me and you apart from being able to go beyond the limits with you. D: Unfortunately, this distance just loves to be a pain in my ass.
Sad thing is, I sat through all two seasons. I dunno, the storyline really caught my attention. That was, until I found out it was hentai, and the "hentai" was some of the most sick, twisted crap I had ever seen by far in my existence.
What can I say? I got bored, and wondered what it would be like to explore my chances with the voices of GLaDOS. I really do hope my boredom pleases you all to comedic standards. And hope you enjoy the video. Maruchan ramen. <3
I only have to say two words, and two words only: Bible Black.
Just five days away from AkuRoku day, my friends. :D
If this is for all awesome people to unite, then ... where's my love, Ashley? :3
Now, this is a a story I'm making for Kiki, or as you guys know her, is Kitty. And, well, I thought I'd post a preview of the first chapter for her. It will be a surprise when she gets back from work. :'D Hope you love it, Kiki ! And everyone else amongst KHV ! <3 EDIT: By the way, yes, this is a Zelda fanfic. Takes place two years after the events of Twilight Princess. A U T U M N Written by Skyler Jorgensen Chapter One The Twilight Mirror shattered, and Hyrule remaining as peaceful as every other boring mission of reality. Link wouldn't be as pessimistic, however, it starts to wear off after about six different times he had to save the 'damsel in distress'. And after all, Link has had his mind on someone, rather recently. A demoiselle of the name, Midna. Sure, it may have been a kindhearted goodbye, but the tribulations he had suffered through with Midna, had become imperishable to his heart. However, having to deal with it, Link wandered street by street. Of new cities, and of course, ancient ones. The Master Sword, having been put to no use after Midna's valediction, has become to only shine and polish. More like a decoration on Link's belt, rather than a ture, brutal armament. Absolutely nothing, seems to be hinting closer to meeting Midna once again. Until, certainly, rumors started flying. "Link, did you hear?" So, a boy from the upper most background near a lake, had said. Looking back, Link only replied solemnly. "What's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong." The boy said, as he sat down right beside Link. "There's a rumor going around that the Twilight Mirror has been restored. Want to go check it out?" "First of all." Link paused, pressing on hand upon the boy's chest. "Where is it?" "Hyrule Woods." "Got it." Easily, Link raised from his position of laying down, to immediately straightened while standing up. However, wearing a long sleeve, tight, dark green shirt, and not to mention, navy blue pants, didn't show much of a valiant proposition. Link had also become more civilized with the way he dresses. Realizing, he would always say that wearing heavy clothing all the time, was just a waste of sweat. Especially, at his position of not realy doing anything, specifically. Swinging his left leg across the back of his horse, Link forthwith his horse to hurry up. Of course, the horse was obedient enough to understand the rush. Thinking, thinking, thinking. All Link could do at this point. Through all the afflictions of having not to see Midna, finally, they were all over. Every little objective that was standing between a wall between his hopes, finally crushed. Entering the woods, Link may have thought of only Midna, something clicked in his head. As the shadows on the trees passed by with darkness and light, Link also thought of the fact that there would always be monsters, caressing these nearly abondoned woodland. Before he knew it, there was a mirror, gleaming with incredible turquoise light. Magnificent, yes it was. The blonde beauty accompanied himself to the mirror. Little did he know, that the closer he would get to the it, the more he would be ferried through it. And without specific warning, of course, Link fell down to his knees. Soon, his face meeting the ground as his hands gripped the side of his heart on his chest. Pain surging through his body, nothing else could hurt like this. And the grunts escaping Link's lips were not only in pain, but in shock. His eyes closed, and so did the world before him. Link, within minutes, was transported into the Twilight Realm. And right in the middle of a busy society, might I add. Passed out, Link had only wished he could at least get up. Being able to move his limbs after a few seconds of venting his body from movement, Link grabbed his sword, and clamped it back onto his belt. Standing up with some hesitation, Link looked up before noticing something. Right at the look of his eyes, Link passed out unexpectingly. What could help him now? It seemed like virtually nothing. Within that blank space, Midna ran through the space, and created a figurative, yet literal, case of color to Link. But could this be where she was? Of course, being new to this city, or so perhaps he took it as, Link would never know. Waking, Link found himself in rather, a guest bed. A guest bed, rather comfortable, yet peasant-like. But that didn't matter at this point. Who saved him? Looking to the side, where a hand had brushed upon his arm, Link saw a beautiful woman. One familiar to his acknowledgment. Right when Link collaberated his eye sight and his mind correctly, Link then noticed it all as the girl said her words. "Are you alright, Link?" How could she know his name? Before then, Link's eyes went a bit shcoked when he finally noticed the face before him. It was the face, that Link had ever longed to vision. It was Midna.
I think that question just twisted the universe in so many ways, that the universe is stuck up it's own ass and has vanquished.
Might want to watch this.
Yes, he is.
Before I vote, I would like to ask why people who have already had a QT are still nominated? ;/ I mean, just asking.
Yes, it is.