LC's Reviews The New Teal Color For Premiums As you all know, the new teal color for the premiums has arrived. And I am disappointed in the people who actually agreed for the teal color. It's ugly, and you can hardly even tell the difference between a prem and a member. Pink looked much better, and this vomit color makes we want to vomit. Honestly. For those who actually agreed to the teal color is rather ... odd. Pink is an amazing color, and changing it with an ugly color, it's like Professor Snape. Awesome at teenage years, ugly in the current time. No offense to Snape fans what-so-ever. Anyways, I am rather disappointed in this color. And the people who agreed to change it, at that. Pink was a great color, and never should've been changed. And so, that the short rant, and review of this terrible color. What is your opinion, personally?
Perons opinion, I can't even tell the difference between members and prems, and the color is very ugly.
Teal is a terrible color, and is awfully ugly. Pink was a good color, and why people choos teal over pink, is beyond me. Turn pink back, in my opinion.
LC's Reviews The Naruto Series Welcome to another session of LC's Reviews. Today, I will be reviewing one of the most popular animes across North America. But what will I think of it? You'll just have to see. Let's cut the crap, Naruto is a terrible anime. Actually, one of the most repulsing animes I have seen by far. And the popularity that surrounded it, was in fact so annoying, I thought my head was literally going to explode. If you like Naruto in front of major anime fans, feel free to feel embarassed, because I'm sure they all hate it. And, you know what agitates me? When people consider themselves "anime fans" when all they watch is crappy dubs on Cartoon Network. Watch freakin' Adult Swim, people-who-I-am-mentioning. Or perhaps ask for some recommendations. Please. But back onto the topic of Naruto, I personally never liked it. Back when I was ten, and simple enough to love it, that was when I found it awesome. But then, at thirteen years old when the anime was dubbed and distributed out in America, I was ashamed of the series, like I always had been. And the cliche popularity that followed it, is remarked as one of the most annoying things, by far to encounter. Seriously. You go to every convention and you see, like, five Narutos. Five Narutos. Creativity is lacking. Naruto is an ashamed excuse for an attempt to try and make a good, revolutionary ninja anime. Fortunately, we have Basilisk which pretty much punched us in the face with awesome. If you like Naruto, I respect you for your opinion, but I leave my own and say that Naruto is not the greatest anime, and isn't made of much potential. The storyline is a great concept, but the anime itself is stale. The episode are random, and it drags it on. If I want to watch dragged on anime, I'll watch Dragonball Z. Not only that, but the series takes too damn long for characters to develop, and sometimes, rushed the character development. Thank God that the studio and Masashi Kishimoto, himself, created the second series. Which, I think, saves Naruto's ass by a margin. Now, Naruto, the first series, blew. But when I saw the first few episodes of Shippuden, I was hanging by my office chair, clenching on the arms of the chair. Suspense knocked you right in the face the first few minutes with the long gone Sasuke being found head on. Not only that, but Naruto isn't so stubborn, and is more kindhearted and brave. More of what I expected in a ninja. Naruto: Shippuden is an incredible anime, but the original Naruto is dergitations from hangovers after drinking about five cocktails, one happening to be Sex On The Beach, and then coming back home with a drunk girl under your arms. Anywho, final verdict, Naruto is made of fail, but Naruto: Shippuden, is purely what we need in a ninja anime. Ratings Naruto: Pitiful anime, with only some episodes which leave you wanting more, but after that, nothing special. 4/10 Naruto: Shippuden: An amazing anime, and is one of my favorites so far. Thank you Masashi for finally making the series good. 9/10
Chervalier, "R2" is the second season.
America is definetely one of my choices after seeing Micheal Phelps own at the 400m. I have a tie for China and Japan, honestly.
Bianca : As I said on MSN, thank you very much. I worked hard on trying to compile it all right. Cam : Thanks to you, too. You get first dibs. :3
Institution Gone (Mindf**k) Written by Skyler Jorgensen; Performed by Doctor Vintage You see the lights, they blind you eternity. The bricks look like Legos. The people stuff nails in each other for their murders, As they appear like voodoo dolls. Your mind is f**king itself, And all you can do is scream at the top of your lungs. Hell, even the sky looks like a river, The ripples of your sweat draining the world's sanity. Institutions exploded, and mentality lost. Nothing can help you, distorted, that's for sure. Mind twisted as much as the warfare, Blank and corrupt, existence is bleak now. Wandering, stalking, death is right there. While he says hello, you go run, And hide from your fate. Scythe in face, gleaming through the blade. Reflection is a vision, into these steel eyes. Why will this never end? Murder staining not only the sheets and curtains, But the life of your own. Don't stop now, You might commit suicide. Do you feel like the world is spinning yet? Vertigo stabbing your brain? Just letting you know that life is behind a door, And so is hell. Choose your future, choose your death. The dead end is on all seperate walls, And there's no jolting back.
Poppin' Champange / All Time Low <3
Johnny was the Black Ranger in the 90's movie, so my memory serves right.
Unfortunately, Fuse did the same as well. >:
CNN Article I do believe that of August 9th or 10th, Bernie Mac, one of my favorite comedians, has died from a strong case of pneumonia. The hospital staff did say Mac was okay in the hospital, however, soon after, he was then discovered dead from his aquatic harm. 50, the age of Mac before he died, which is pretty young at that. I feel really sorry to hear this, and I hope he rests in peace.
Yui Makino, Megumi Hayashibara, Minami Kuribayashi, Katy Perry, and Sakai Nanako. If you want me to be honest, the list actually goes on forever. Kana Ueda, Minori Chihara, Sawao Yamanaka, Shimon Moore, Johannes Strate, and Oscar Linnos. And there is no such thing as greatest singers, to be honest. As someone has already said, they are just greatest singers so far.
This reminds me of Quinton Flynn and Keiji Fujiwara. Might want to google the two up and you'll know their simularites.
It is what it is.
Whut? I love you, really. You are like a sister to me. >: But it's the Christians that try to brainwash into being one of them. No offense to Christians what-so-ever.
I think Cin showed Trigger this before Trigger sent me the video when I saw it a few months back. Truthfully, this is one reason why I'll never become a Christian. They trick, and play you into being a Christian, and that just pisses me off. The video, on the other hand, does make you think a little, it is oddly interesting, but not so surpringly sick.
No, it's actually a book called Swan Song. I remember I put New Moon in my room before taking out Swan Song. xD
A story I made for Kiki (Kitty_Mckechnie) as a present, which I am still working on the second chapter.
Holy crap, my mind is blown by this work. Personally, I find the colors to match perfectly, and not only that, but the texture of the BG with the stock are immensely amazing. Fitting ever so well. Not to mention the stock you used was incredible. Nice work, once again. But, however, the text was beginning to bother me. If you ever consider it, try using a distorted text like Broken Ghost. But overall, fantastic. C: